Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Not so Hot today

This time a short blog post as I’m not a 100% - cranky and tired and unwell – I’d like to pass this off as merely being down or a bit depressed but your joints don’t hurt when you are depressed – at least mine haven’t up till now.

Today I’m missing friends who are far away. Maybe it is just post holiday blues – still whatever it is, I hate it.

They are burying Gerald Ford today – somehow he’s gone from being an absolute nobody that Ronald Regan ran against in 1976 and who ended up opening shopping malls in middle American to become a giant in the last few days – well compared to the current occupant of the oval office, who likes to talk about his choice of carpet for the oval office to visitors, like more than once he’s done this – he is. (Two bucks says the carpet – a hideous yellow thing ends up in his white elephant of a library.)

It’s times like this one really misses Hunter Thompson – only his combined mastery of invective combined with a very deep and completely sincere belief in representative democracy (Hunter’s rants came his ideals and sense of decency being assaulted by a long line of crooks and liars, not from cynicism. There is a long essay in this but not today) could do justice to the farce of Dick Cheney (who has kept every enemy he’s ever made like they were trophies) praising Ford’s pardon of Nixon and W’s echo of the same point.

Oh for a muse of rocks, for words to wield like blunt instruments upon the skull of these lying smug self important bastards as they say things that don’t for a second believe and the important members of the press who nod and say how deep these people are while thinking about lunch. The decline of the republic stares you in the face – unprincipled power mad lunatics and their smart cynical ‘it’s only politics and everybody does it and it doesn’t mean anything in the end’ enablers in the press. The machine has become the servant of the established order and its long term plan to, well that’s the whole problem in a nutshell – other than looting the government, killing brown people and keeping their doings secret so they don’t go to jail there is no long term plan.

The AP has run what is a good candidate for the most insulting story of the year (already). The report is another urge to America to toughen up and then goes on to insult those who gave their last full measure and those who loved them by suggesting since we really haven’t lost that many soldiers compared to say World War 2 that we should just buck up and not treat human lives like they were so important. Really, the story implies that since families are smaller these days parents are too worried about them getting hurt or killed (the ever popular whack at baby boomers being over indulgent) it’s pretty damn sick and insulting. Never seems to occur to them that people against the war cause it’s wrong and stupid the lives being lost are being wasted in a useless struggle to repair W’s reputation which isn’t worth sacrificing a finger nail for, never mind a single human life, no, per the AP he-men we are whimps. Again for a muse of rocks.

This does bode ill; I suspect they are trying to get us ready for heavier casualties to come as soon as they escalate the war. I wonder, if W is still in office, and they send the extra troops home, will he land on an aircraft carrier again? Just asking. (That resolution to not to talk too much about politics just went bye bye kids).

On to other things – On Nov. 7th some people at O’Hare Airport saw something odd in the sky, a dark disc shaped object that hovered for a while and then shot up through the low cloud cover. Classic UFO report really. Along with the explanation that it was an odd weather effect – lights on the low clouds causing people to see things.

Uh-huh. While not exactly improbable – it’s an odd weather effect that takes lights and makes them look like a disk without lights that then makes a hole in the cloud cover. But the sighting was too brief and there are no pictures so once again we have something odd happening that everybody pretends isn’t something odd or didn’t happen.

Eliot Spritzer is now Governor of New York State. In his career as attorney general I came to admire him. To quote Batman talking about the then detective Jim Gordan in Batman Year one “All the right people hate him” – with Elliot it was Wall Street, Insurance Companies, and Banks and even record companies (payola lives). I wish him and the new congressmen and women in Washington lots of luck – there are a lot of people in Albany and in DC who want things to stay as dirty and as corrupt, and some of them are in your own party.

Going to play at the Waltz tomorrow – weather and health permitting – need to plug the gig. Need to play more anyway – it’s fun. Going to see what they think of People with Insect heads – should be interesting.

Looks like Classic Media is only going to sell Godzilla vs Mothra and Godzilla Raids again only via mail order. Damn. Have to chance it I guess. Okay then how about the others like Terror of Mechagodzilla which was never released in the states in an unbutchered form? When are they coming out? Hmmm????

It’s tough being a geek in the information age - almost too much to keep track of – like Final Fantasy 12 coming out – and God of War 2 and that another Gammera movie was released Side Note: it didn’t do well at the box office probably because the director for reasons known only to himself decided to not link it with the 3 mid 90’s Gammera films – the best kaiju films ever made aside from the original Godzilla and make Gammera look cute and cast another annoying kid in the lead. Hell when I was a kid I hated those kids in the Gammera films. End Side note.

One more resolution – more herbal tea.

Peace love peppermint tea


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I got post-holiday blues too! But mine were a few days back. You guys in the states are soo behind!!! ;o)
And you totally broke ur new years resolution - started off saying it would be a short post but it's not really heh...

7:12 AM  

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