Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sheep and Keyboards

Well today I don’t think life is an absurd farce, a meaningless existence where our stings are pulled by a cruel and capricious insane god who punishes and rewards at random for his own sick amusement. While I still feel that this is true, I accept there is a chance that I may be wrong.

I suspect my mood change is simply a manner of getting enough sleep.

Tonight W will be outlining his reasons for putting more troops into Iraq. I will be playing at the Waltz tonight – because I’d rather chew off one of my own limbs than listen to him speak. It’s not like it’s going to be that much of a speech anyway – the man can barely talk, except when talking about killing and death or money in those cases he may not be eloquent but he can make sentences otherwise nah. Stupid is one explanation but it could also be that he needs to remember all the things he can’t say like “We wanted the oil, Saddam wasn’t really a menace we needed a reason to invade, we’re doing this to make sure the war is still going on when we leave office, if they investigate Halliburton Cheney is just soo screwed” that he can’t form real sentences cause of all these words pounding in his head.

I notice the same people that were praising W and pointing out he great popularity in the polls (peaking 9/13/01 or so and declining ever since) are now praising W and pointing out that he isn’t being led by the polls. Well consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. They are also saying it’s time to stop the I told you so’s from people who were against the war and if they are so smart why don’t they come up with answers and that is so much easier to tear down than to build up.

While it is tempting to watch folk as they spin around in ever decreasing circles until they vanish up their own backsides, I think the point about being negative since they were trying to build something up needs to be answered. Earlier when it was being said that Donald Rumsfled was an incompetent bungler, the defenders of the administration replied by saying Rumsfeld was a patriot. Well that’s nice but not important. George McClellan and Ambrose Burnside were also patriots – that did not stop them from also being (in different degrees – Burnside being far worse) incompetent bunglers, the one has nothing to do with the other. This ‘but our hearts were pure’ defense is meaningless. Frankly if Donald was actually working for Al-Queida he couldn’t have done much worse – hell he’d might have done better to ward off suspicion. To borrow an example from elsewhere – an alcoholic may cry at the bar how much he loves his kids but is he with his kids? No. he’s sitting at a bar feeling sorry for himself while they have no idea where their dad is, when he will get home or what mood he’ll be in. The reality is that he’s helping to create a nightmare for the very people he says he loves. Again pure motivation unless you actually do something useful mean nothing. Working out plans for the new Iraqi stock market while people didn’t have fresh drinking water or power all day is a pretty typical example of what went on and why it’s a mess. (Aside from being a huge mistake in the first place).

These people are dangerous vain fools who are going to send brave men and women into danger simply so their egos won’t be bruised. They are cowards one and all and not even worth contempt or even spitting on. It the later case it would be a waste of good spit that could be used elsewhere.

Thinking a bit about quantum physics which is always a sign that I need to get out more. I don’t really have time but I think I’m clear in my head why the multiple universe hypothesis does not really answer the quantum measurement problem the way the proponents think it does. That will be a long post which I will save for the weekend when I can haul out my quantum books and do some more reading on the subject.

It’s funny I read mostly non-fiction these days despite my youthful ambition to write novels – the problem is that most novels are pretty simply plotted and you can see what’s coming from miles away and I get bored with that. I’m hoping the current one may be different.

Examples of song lines I don’t think I’ll use “She’s dead because I killed her.” Which might be very funny in the right place is still too creepy for me. Right now – tomorrow who really knows.

Playing at the coffee shop tonight – hopefully the number of self impressed jerks will be less than last time. We have a gig to promote. Also we hope the fabulous Spenser will be able to play with us on Killer sheep.

Peace, Love, wool


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