Monday, January 01, 2007

Puzzling Headlines, Resolutions and what not

Headline that really didn’t make much sense at first

“Mine Industry to Strengthen Seals”

It could be I was not quite awake yet but my first thought was why would the mine industry care out the strength of seals and how do you get a seal to exercise in the first place? I then flashed on a line of seals hosting small weights with their flippers while a personal trainer was saying “and one and two and one more come on slappy push” and I realized I needed more coffee.

Well I’m still a bit foggy from New Years Eve – Champagne does that to me – so this will be a bit shorter than normal.


1 .To smash my guitar sometime this year – I’ll do that when we get 100 paying guests at a gig. Your first chance is Feb 4 10 pm at the 169 bar. 169 East Broadway, New York, New York Cost : $8.00

2. Learn power chords – I kind of know them but it’ll open the band up if I manage to be comfortable playing them.

3. To lose weight – it’s hard to be a rock god when you look like the second shift managers at Denny’s besides I sing better when I’m in better shape.

4. To root for the Mets. (Hell I have to have at least one resolution I can keep)

4. a) To not despair of the season the first time the Mets lose three games in a row.

5. To not over estimate the chances of the Vikings making the playoffs when they win two games in a row.

6. To leven the mass of God awful gibberish I watch with at least one decent if not good movie a month. I have felt my critical facilities decay under the sheer weight of crap I watch.

7. To not complain in this blog about my sex life (or lack of it) unless I can make a really good joke about it.

8. To finally finish the following video games before I get any more – God of War (I’m stuck at place where I have to move a box so I can jump before spikes kill me – It’s gonna take me time to get past this I’m not that good a games), Beyond Good and Evil – I like this game I just got distracted; Shadow Hearts From the New World (I really like this game it’s insane with a talking kung fu using cat, A ninja who uses a bus stop sign as a sword and so on – this is just a matter of making the time) and Batman Vengeance – not a very good game but it is batman and I’m stubborn.

9. To write more songs – and the musical.

10. To record the CD and learn to sing not always yell “have sex with me”

11. To appreciate my friends more – I don’t always let them know how important they are to me.

12. To not say – ‘this is going to a short entry’ and then ramble on for 2,000 words.

13. To try and keep the political stuff down a bit – this one may get tossed January 2.

14. To watch that movie about killer lamas – everybody who has seen it has said how awful it is.

15. Get DSL or broadband – dial up stinks.

16. Write more about music – this is a band blog after all.

17. To restore my faith in Nihilism (sorry that’s such awful college student joke - .but I love it)

Here’s to a good 2007 for everybody.

Peace out.

Random Neural firings:

There is a lot being said about how wonder Ford was and how non-partisan he was. It’s making me ill, the power structure, worried about the slight possibility that the new congress (which in a nice move is cutting down on the sleazy junkets that were a feature of the GOP congress) could upset the apple cart of money that they are lecturing via the odd example of Ford about civility and bi-partisan ship. Hell even W is doing this the other day.

I noticed W couldn’t be bothered to come back to DC until today. Well it’s a brave new world – I’m wondering what his reaction to the first subpoena is going to be.

The gang that couldn’t shoot straight continues to botch things in Iraq. Reports are coming out now that Saddam’s execution violated Iraqi law against executions during the religious holiday Id (Which only goes for a week). The shabby thuggish nature of the execution which was done by Shiite Militiamen (of the Sadar Militia that we’ve been fighting over there – no I can’t explain it either) could to turn Saddam a martyr for Sunni Moslems. I’m not going to say it has but first impressions don’t look good. It looks like we’ve screwed up again.

Going to break down and get a couple albums this week – Dylan and the new Robyn Hitchcock – the others will have to wait until after we get the album done.

Peace Love, Seals with big biceps


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