Wednesday, January 03, 2007

No time today - Must Fly

Absolutely no time to post so this will be very very short.

Things I have noted in the passing parade:

1) Vin Diesel wants to play Hannibal. No not Hannibal Lector, he wants to play the role of the ancient Carthaginian general Hannibal who fought against Rome in the second Punic war.

Uh-huh, yeah that Vin Diesel – Pitch Black Vin.

This one I’m going to have to see.

2) They are talking about building a theme park in Roswell New Mexico – there has been talk of this type before but it looks like this is a bit more than talk.

“Welcome to Alien Burgers can I take your order?”

3) W wrote a letter that was printed in the WSJ.

It “dear Santa, you didn’t give me what I wanted so I’m gonna water board you ass."

No actually he pretty much said “Do what I want or I’ll veto everything and blame you” He dressed it up in the current chic language of bi-partisanship but that’s the gist of it.

Well did anybody really expect anything different?

4) Pat Robertson is hearing voices

Pat has said that god has spoken to him and said that there will be a bad terrorist attack in 2007.

A quote “The lord didn’t say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that.”

Ah, Pat could you call God up again and maybe get a few more details? Like where and when? Just asking, seeing as you have a link to the big guy, and maybe a hint on the Super Bowl.

Thanks so much.


Peace Love Insane gibberish


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