Friday, December 08, 2006

Now that's just rude

This was yesterday morning’s cover of the NY Post. It seems that the editorial staff and one assumes Rupert Murdoch were not happy with the ISG (Iraq Study Group’s) recommendations. They are not the only one – John McCain has piped in about how this is a blue print for defeat and the usual neo-con suspects (Weekly Standard, et. al) have waxed apeshit about the report.

The most comical aspect of this is that the people in the ISG included people like Ed Meese who as attorney General was actually to the right of Ashcroft (minus the fear of a naked bronze breast and the anointing with oil thing – you have to wonder, just where did W find all these crazy people? Did he take an ad out?) and James Baker has been the Bush Family fixer for years and was Secretary of State for Pete’s sake. There wasn’t a single person in this group that is not a part of the current beltway establishment and had supported the invasion of Iraq. No room for anybody who didn’t think this was the bee’s knees going in like say, the new Speaker of the House or even (Gasp) Al Gore. This is somewhat akin to going back to the doctor that botched your plastic surgery to the point were you now have one eye in the middle of your forehead, your kidneys are failing, your nipples look cross-eyed in a most disturbing way – and you're missing a couple of fingers to boot and him to fix it. Again considering the make up of the board the fact they didn’t recommend the president for a medal of freedom is remarkable.

Still from the right and from the sound coming from inside the bubble – you’d think James Baker was Noam Chomsky’s best bud and that he had a huge picture of Fidel Castro in his office.

I’m not sure how this is going to play out over the next few weeks – W was especially petulant during the press conference saying “Things are bad in Iraq – happy now?” to a reporter. (God W is such an immature dick – and he’s 60 mind you.) But I don’t think he’s going to do anything in report

A couple of other gems from the press conference was he said “I have read the report” to show how seriously he took it – so he made a big deal doing actual reading? What under normal circumstance he would have had Harriet Meirs and Condi Rice act it out via interpretive dance (excuse me I have go soak my head to get that image of the pair of them in danskins jumping about in front of a leering W out of my brain).

He also said he speaks to dead families – has he been taking lessons from John Edwards? What the hell kind of thing was that to say – what the hell does that even mean?

So it looks like W is going to dig in his heels.

Aide (at door) Sir come out.
W: No. No do. La La La can’t hear you!
Aide: Sir,
W: No do. You make me do all time, I decider not you – you servant. No need you. Get others.
Aide: Very well sir – before I go please make sure your shoes are on the right feet.
(Sound of man falling to ground)
Aide: sir it’s best to sit down first before you check your shoes.
W: I hurt.
Adie: Very good sir I’ll leave then.
W: No bring more.
SS Agent walking up: What happened?
Aide: he’s fallen down again; he was tying to make sure his shoes were on right.
SS Agent: Oh one of those days.
Aide: Yes.
SS Agent: has he been, you know. Like doing things he shouldn’t
Aide (in a tired voice): it’s only 11 and he’s on his second case of Pabst, he also knocking back the stray shot of Jacks and enough white power to -
SS Agent: You gave him coke?
Aide: No, it’s confectioner’s sugar – he’s so wasted he can’t tell.
SS Agent: I see.
Aide: I get him the real stuff his heart might explode – and then I’d have to explain the whole thing.
Sound of falling again
W: I hurt.

More horrible sick fantasies as the days go on.

Saw about 10 minutes of Robot Monster last night. Oh my god – I had forgotten like you forget the pain of a toothache just how insanely bad it was – the two rotten kid actors – and of course Ro-man the guy in the ape suit with the plastic space helmet and the billion Bubble machine. I had to turn it off before I got sucked into its bleak hopeless despair and incompetence and was unable to get out. – I had to rehearse but never fear the damage will be done this weekend when I watch it and crossroads.

My soul is making small mewing sounds like a frighten kitten. Or that could be me making small mewing sounds. Can’t tell.

The wind is up and the building is creaking. It was a cold wind today, the first real bone cutter of a wind. Reminds me of our very first gig back in February – it was 20 degrees out with a wind chill of about -5 that anybody showed up at all was a shock. Hell we almost didn’t make it.

Band plays tonight at Otto’s Shrunken Head – out first time with the sheep song for our regular audience.

Our plans for the next year include recording and a special challenge to you guys and to us – it’s simple – we get 100 paying customers to a gig – I’ll smash my cheap Korean electric guitar during “insect heads” al la Pete Townsend. The guitar’s pic will be up soon – this weekend unless the movies kill me.

Oddly enough, considering yesterday’s post – this is the anniversary of John Lennon’s death. I’d listen to Imagine but I’m depressed enough. And hell Gimmie some truth is closer to my mood anyway.


Elementary Penguins singing Hani Krishna
You should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe
I am the egg man, they are the egg men
I am the Walrus.
Goo goo ja-joob


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