Monday, December 04, 2006

Crossroads is coming

With some trepidation I popped two netlfix envelopes in the mail this morning. This means that Crossroads will be coming soon.

One disk I had was the DVD for Music for Hangovers by Cheap Trick, not bad but nothing vital – the best moment visually was when Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins – where did they go you wonder – who was going to play along with the band comes on to the stage dressed exactly like Rick – who takes a long look at Billy – Baseball cap with the brim up, skull sweater (full disclosure I do so want one like that) and checker patterned Explorer Guitar and then says “I always wondered why I was never taken seriously as a musician, I understand now.”- Pause – “Well duh” Which is true, I love the Tricksters but it’s very hard to take someone who’s wears a bow tie and looks and acts like Huntz Hall on speed seriously. I mean he’s less geeky now but if you look at the early album covers you just think – who the hell is this geek? True it was part of the plan but it did have its drawbacks.

Speaking of geek the other film I dropped off was 20 Million Miles to Earth which featured Ray Harryhusen’s stop motion animation. I’m a sucker for that stuff along with Toho’s man in a suit/miniature work – hell I roll around in it like cat nip. 20 Million Miles to Earth was one of a series of films Harry did in the 50’s on budgets of about 12 bucks – he’d work alone in his garage doing the painstaking work needed for stop motion while the actors were off doing their acting and they would mix it all together – considering how cheaply these films were made they look very good (the actors sometimes could well, truth be told, the little clay figures routinely out acted them). I’m not going to go into a detailed summary of the film – if you want that go to Bad, hell go there anyway it’s a great site for any one even remotely interested in bad/cheesy films and it has wonderful reviews of some of the worst dreck ever to be put up on the screen.

Anyway to complete my full disclosure as uber-geek – last Friday when the Enemy Below came over to rehearse I was watching the Mysterians (a toho Sci-fi film) for about the, oh, I’d say 10th time. This time I was watching it while reading the subtitled commentary by two Japanese film directors who had worked with or knew the men who did the special effects work on Mysterians. And I pointed out to the Enemy Below and the Insect Girl that one of the female leads in this film was also the female lead in Godzilla. Why? Because I had to damnit.

Ech Been Ein Ubergeek! Ech Ben Ein Ubergeek! People cringe when I speak! Ech Ben Ein Ubergeek!

But then again the other evening – after we rehearsed the set – the Enemy Below showed me the superhero base that he had built while playing “City of Heroes” meantime Star Trek the Next Generation was on the TV and we also had a fairly long discussion about what the shirt colors meant in both next Generation and the Original Series – the major difference was that in the Original series Red was for Security (i.e. Dead Meat – see the Red Shirt Diaries) or Engineering, while in the Next Generation the command crew – the captain, first officer et al, wore red.

It can’t get any geekier than that.

Ech Ben Ein Ubergeek! Ech Ben Ein Ubergeek!

Well I hear the sound of heads hitting the desk because I am putting them to sleep.

Okay so those films are out the door and I’m a couple of steps closer to having to watch Brittany Spears in Crossroads (Hell I should have added Glitter to the list while was at it – finish the job off)

So depending on how the speed of the post office (which is slow these days due to all those cards and letters) I should get ‘Crossroads” and “Robot Monster” both of which I will be suffering through so that I can maybe write something amusing about them – although I fear the damage via Crossroads will be very very deep.

I notice that Brittany is in the news again and not in a good way. No I haven’t seen the pictures and I’m not going to - but lord you’d think she was a scientologist the way she keeps trying to wreck her career.

John Bolton – who looks like an evil Captain Kangaroo from some dark dimension, has said he will leave the US UN ambassador post when his temporary appointment expires. W for some reason couldn’t take no for an answer on this guy, he appointed him during a congressional recess after he couldn’t force him through. Then he tired to force him through again. With even less success. So since John isn’t going to be retained for the job, he has decided he is going to quit. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me either.

I was at a party Saturday and I was told about an interesting result of the 2001 census in England – it was the first census that asked the responders to put down their religion on the form - and enough people put down “Jedi” to make it the 4th largest religious group in
England. While I’m sure a lot of folks did that just to have a pull at the census form, this is the same earth were Klingon language camps exist and the US army once had a man working for it who claimed to be an actual Jedi knight (detailed in the Men who Stared at Goats a book anybody with a taste for the truly truly odd needs to read) you can’t be too sure.

At the same party the conversation drifted to a) furries – i.e. people who dress in fur costumes like mascots or teddy bares or what not and have sex with each other and b) a specific video that showed someone dressed as a teddy bear having sex with someone wearing a squid costume.

Suddenly Stacy didn’t seem to be that outré a song.

Okay – now we’re looking for some input – we are going to be recording in February (3rd week to be precise) but we are limited via budget and time constraints to about 13 songs. – While we figure all the classics are going to be on there (Sex with me, Stacy, Someone Else, People with Insect Heads, I’m sorry I ate your brain) are there any others that you’d crushed if we left them off? Let me know.

Later Droogies.


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