Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Fat Lady did not sing - Hell She didn't show up!

I’m nursing a small hangover and watching the movie Robot Monster as Ro-man kills a small child – thank you movie. Still the kid was annoying and a bad actor. Hell the whole movie is annoying. Still the kid does well when she is acting dead.

Anyway we did the gig and Otto’s last night – and aside from the Insect girl and one other person – nobody showed up. We don’t know why – it could have been the weather the time of year – the holiday season can grate on people’s nerves. It was cold it was a Friday. The sun was not in conjunction with anything.

Well it didn’t matter – we didn’t draw flies to use the old show business saw. After the show we drank (Yes I had Mai Ti’s) and started what Hunter S Thompson called “an agonizing reappraisal of the situation”.

What is needed we realized is to push the band more. Both the Enemy Below and myself have alas classic low self esteem issues that result in our not really feeling it’s well proper to push the band. It’s hard to explain to someone that doesn’t have this sense but what you feel like is that you’re being impolite and imposing on people when you’re trying to sell yourself. It’s a feeling that has made my job interviews a real nightmare – I can push the emotions aside for a while to sell myself but I always have to deal with this “you’re just a fake” voice in my head while I’m tying to answer something like: “if you were an animal what kind of animal would you be?” (Which I have been asked).

Among the things we though of was plastering the place with stickers which will be done. And we’ve been at Otto’s for a year – we need to go on now. Otherwise we could end up like I was when I was doing a solo act – eventually I ended up doing a gig about once every 3 months at the Orange Bear near city hall (it’s closed now) I had a pretty regular core of fans/friends but looking back I wasn’t really challenging myself or tying to expand the audience, the Bear had become a comfortable rocking chair for me and I was loathe to leave it or risk going past it.

This band is too special and too good and too important (there I’ve said it – part of the low self esteem bit is this tendency to downplay what you do well – when you’re not apologizing for your actual existence. As I have said before, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.) To end up in a rocking chair – even a rocking chair with excellent Mai Ti’s – so we are going to aggressively seek alternative venues to play in. It could be we got too comfortable with the Otto’s gigs and lost our edge.

Look for us to hit the open mikes more as well.

I have a book on guerilla marketing techniques that I should at least crack open and read yes?

Amway that’s what the plan is – subject to change without further notice.


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