Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Grey Day

And another gray day – well it’s November and its like this in this city. Who the heck knows I could be suffering from SADs or some such like nonsense – my life situation isn’t objectively worse than it was last week but this week everything feels like heaviness – weary stale flat and unprofitable to quote Hamlet – Side Note – People don’t quote Shakespeare so much these days. I guess Shakespeare is too hard to cram into those standardized tests that seem all the rage in education these days. Hell even the old Hunchback Richard the Third is a bit too subtle and multi layered for a number two pencil and multiple choice tests (not that I mind multiple choice tests – always did well on them – essays not so much – my hand writing stinks and there that’s dyslexia bit – combine the two nightmare city). Anyway back to Richard – as the play makes clear that the one person Richard hates and loathes above all others is Richard – in his opening speech his disgust at his physical form is palatable “deformed, unfinished, sent into this breathing world scare half made up, and that so lame and unfashionable that dogs bark at me as I halt by them.”

That’s not a well guy. And his self loathing drives him to commit crime after crime in the subconscious hope that somebody will finally put him out of his misery. I think they’d give him a lot of drugs these days:

Richard: And that so lame and un…wooo, that has a jolt doesn’t it? What was I talking about? Yes. That. You know I think I’ll just stare at my shoe for a while.
Doctor: Good, well nurse that’ll keep him down for a few hours.

Anyway suffice to say my mood is down.

Politics wise I think there is going to be a split in the Democratic party between the people who actually want to clean out the open sewer that Congress and Washington has become and some of the inside the beltway democrats (especially in the Senate) who view this as simply their turn at the K Street feed bag.

Dem 1: you think I put up with the nonsense that the ape and bug man for nothing?
Dem 2: how about serving the public interest?
Dem 1: Public service? What kind of a f**king rube are you. Hookers! I want Hookers and cash – stacks and stacks of sweet sweet cash from the drug companies and the oil companies, oh sweet cash I love you. Even more that Hookers. And I want lobbyists to pick up by lunch tabs every day. And breakfast!
Dem 2: Fine we needed to drag a democrat into the hearing to prove this wasn’t just a witch hunt. I think you’ll do nicely. Enjoy the probe.

At least that’s’ what I hope the conversation turns out. Still huge stacks of cash are quite the temptation.

Random Neural Firings:

Listening to Frank Zappa – his guitar stuff. I do that when I’m like this. There is something in the icy fury of his playing that matches my mood.

It seems to be “hi be my friend I’m a busty female college student with a web cam” week at my space. Sheesh it’s not like net doesn’t have women in various states of undress already – I can find them fine kids leave me be.

Meantime tomorrow we’re off to Waltz or Martz or whatever the hell they call that coffee shop to do the killer sheep song and then start pumping up the 12/8 gig and get other gigs and then hell it’ll be the holiday season which always gets me even more depressed and cynical about humanity in general than I am normally.

Still putting stuff in boxes – I have measured out my life in files to twist T.S. Elliot about until he screams with pain.

Oh sweet heaven enough – I’m going home – get some Japanese take out and then watch Battlefield Earth, cause no matter what I do with my life – there is no way I’m going screw it up as badly as John did with this film. Or if net flix is being nice again – Aeon Flux.

Peace Love Shonen knife.


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