Monday, October 16, 2006

Scattered Thoughts & a little Godzilla

Busy times at BM&TEB World headquarters – I spent the last few days doing chores including getting a hard case for my guitar so it would be harder for the airline baggage handlers to break her into pieces.

Side note: Guitars, like ships, are typically referred to as female, especially by Male guitarists who need to get out more. I’m not sure if women guitar players do as well or they don’t bother with this kind of nonsense.

Side Side note: I know one woman who insisted that watching guys play guitar was arousing “because you start to imagine other things they can do with their hands”. However I can vouch that she never found my guitar playing, or me, arousing in any shape or form (all together now: ahhhhhhhhhhh) But since my style of playing is to pound on the damn box like Pete Townsend, cooked to the gills on a combination of crystal meth and crack, I suspect my playing lacks the manual dexterity and slow sensuousness required to be arousing.

News from the enemy below is that we have posters up for the Florida gig and that the owner of the club thinks we suck. Well she may think we suck, but she little knows what the absolute true suck is. She’ll find out when we take the stage (and never give it back). I think ‘The Bondage Song” is going to be the point which brains explode.

Speaking of hostile or actually indifferent audiences I saw a friend play in a bar opening for another band the first night of the Mets/Cardinals series (full disclosure: I am rooting for the Mets and they are going to kill me). My friend has a wonderful singing voice but her material was not really able to come across between the frat boy vibe of the bar and the sports fans yelling at the screen.

She seemed okay with it but after a while I could see she got bored with trying to compete with the noise and the game. It’s tough enough being an opening act without having to compete with 9 guys on the screen.

I personally find audiences like that a challenge, but of course when I’m on stage I am huge attention whore of the ‘All your base are belong to us” type, seriously if I have to wear a Mexican Wrestling mask and sing about brain eating to get your attention so be it. (I’m curious to see how that song goes over – it gets laughs but there is always one or two “sweet Jesus he is crazy’ looks in any new crowd when I do that.

Tonight I plan if, net flix and the post office cooperate I get to see The Incredibly Strange Creatures who stopped living and became Mixed up Zombies’ and utter Grade Z horror flick from the 60’s advertised as the world’s first horror musical. And I might add the last as well, if the Horror of Party Beach was the worlds worst beach party monster movie, this effort is about as bad, maybe worse. Report to come.

If the post office does not cooperate well, there’s always the bootleg King Kong vs. Godzilla – I’ve only seen that oh 15-20 times. I got the bootleg because the Japanese language version of the film has not and doesn’t look like it will get released in the US anytime soon. It’s interesting that KKvsG was the one that launched Godzilla as Monster Mega star, Godzilla was a hit, but the follow up Godzilla Raids Again wasn’t as successful and Toho went on to explore other monsters like Mothra (which hasn’t be released here in the Japanese language edition either – hello? Guys geeks with money are waiting.) before getting back to Godzilla but after this film, Godzilla became the star and the rest of the monster supporting players.

My favorite moment in King Kong vs. Godzilla in the Japanese version is when news has reached Japan that Godzilla has broken free of the iceberg he was imprisoned in at the end of Godzilla Raids Again. The prime Minster is walking to his car with a gaggle of reporters at his heels all asking about Godzilla his response is “Well he was bound to break out of that iceberg sooner or later’ delivered in a wonderful “come on people grow up’ tone of voice.

I live for moments like that or when in Godzilla 1985 the prime Minster announces on a huge view screen that ‘Godzilla has been sighted in Tokyo bay – this is no drill’ that always makes me laugh – I have visions of generations of school kids in Japan doing Godzilla drills. ‘Now class when the alarm rings, pour into the street and run aimlessly – thank you”

Luck to all – please leave comments - even ‘you just suck and you can’t spell’ would be something.

Tomorrow the insane barber who cut my hair. (not sweeny todd - he wasn't dagerous just a little nuts)


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