Thursday, October 05, 2006

A rant - and other stuff

Good thing I am not singing tonight – no voice left after the Met Game. I don’t go much into my baseball/Mets obsession here because, well, I mean, dear lord I sound enough like a geek already. I start to go on about the infield fly rule and why it came into existence (Short version – people were cheating) and people will start sending me pocket protectors.

So short version, the Mets won and I forgot just how nervous I get during playoff games (it has been a while) and we can move on now.

More shower inducing news from Washington – a former Aide of the Foley Creep is saying he warned the Speaker about Foley’s chicken-hawk behavior around the pages Three (3) f##king years ago and nothing was done. Nothing. Let me write that again. Nothing. Bastards.

Meantime, and this is just too perfect, Senator Lieberman has come out and said that calls for The Speaker to resign because of this scandal are too “partisan”. Now this is the same man that waxed indignant about Bill Clinton’s extra marital sex and has time and time again voiced concern about the effect on America’s youth of violent video games, suggestive music lyrics, and naked people in movies (all fine things I have to say, while I strongly prefer naked women to each his or her own) - and was fond of making some not so subtle threats against the recording companies, the video game industry and Hollywood, all in the name of protecting children.

So okay – you are concerned about the effect on kids of all this. But the actions of people who covered up for a 50 year old chicken hawk who was making the moves on 16-17 year old boys (open head, remove brain – soak brain in hot water and bleach until image is gone – rinse – dry with clean towel, return brain to skull, close head) – those people are okay? Jesus if I had the money I’d move to CT just to vote against this bastard.

Hypocrite isn’t a big enough word to describe the skunk, it needs to be about 15 times longer and laced with contempt and obscenities. These swine need to be beaten, whipped and driven from the land (to quote HST).

The whole thing is enough to give sex a bad name. Now I like sex. (That’s a really wimpy way to put it but there you go, I’m kind of wimpy) not that I have often but it’s been damn fine when I did. (I’m thinking rigging my ceiling above my bed with a net full of balloons and confetti so the next time I have sex and we’re in the afterglow and she asks how was it for me, I will pull on the rope and the balloons and confetti will drop down like they do at a political convention. and a Sousa march will play. I’m sure it would destroy the relationship but it would be worth it to see her reaction. ) But this stuff has less to do with mutual desire and more to do with power and exploiting the fact that teenagers are seething masses of hormones. I remember when I was 17, not fondly but I remember, and I was a seething mass of hormones. If a girl had said to me ‘let’s have sex’ (no one did, all together now Ahhhhhhhhhhhh – okay now back to point) when I was 17 somewhere between her saying the s and the x, we would have been naked and screwing. (I’m a little slower now I like, dinner, candle light, wine, massed tubas – no that’s not right – it’s something just not massed tubas, and it’s not a trombone quartet either, that I’m sure. I’m never going down that path again let me tell you.).

On other notes weather is turning in New York, the skies are clearer, free of the late summer haze. It’s nice time to be in the city, just to walk around. The leaves are turning the birds are leaving the squirrels are frantic in their efforts to gather nuts. I yelled at a kid yesterday as he was poking a stick at a squirrel who was escaping by climbing higher up the tree.

“Hey” I said, “leave it alone, it’s tough enough to be a squirrel with you poking at it.”

So as you go through the day – remember not to poke people with sticks and make them scamper higher up their trees, we all have it tough enough without folks poking us with sticks.

I plan to honor Mr. Lieberman’s endorsement of shielding child predators by going home putting some gangster rap on the stereo and popping my favorite violent video game into the play station – “shoot anything that moves, except the naked women, those you have sex with.” Then maybe watch some super violent Asian porn cartoons. (These actually exist – The Japanese are a very very strange and twisted folk - in a good way.).

The pic is from "The Angry Red Planet". More about this one later.


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