Friday, October 06, 2006

The horror of reality

That’s a quote from the dedication page of Louis Ferdinand Celine’s “Fairy Tale for Another Time” Now Celine was a complete bastard who hated most of humanity (in addition to being an anti-Semite and supporter of Vichy during WW 2 all fun stuff) but he a novelist of large influence, Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac, even Kurt Vonnegut site him as an influence.

I was going to do a bit more about the world today – how reality is so damn awful these days that there are millions of people who want god to end the world. How the news coming out of Washington makes you want to take another shower, this time after shaving off all your body hair and boiling your clothes. The most recent smear job coming from the usual suspects is that the pages somehow egged Foley on (oh Jesus Goddamn ick guys) .

So to defend the Speaker of the House who did nothing, except, judging by the look of him, eat a lot of sandwiches, while Foley was doing his thing, now you’re trying to make it the pages fault? Sweet Jesus on a stick, you bastards have no scruples at all do you? It tests one’s faith to watch these creeps get away with this kind of junk. It’s not when bad things happen to good people, that’s part and parcel of life really. “Man is born to trouble as sparks fly upwards” goes the quote from the book of Job. There is pain in being alive, part of the price you pay. That I can deal with. What I can’t deal with is when good things happen to absolute bastards. Why do the pigs of the world have rose pedals scattered at their feet instead of being spit out of the universe (to borrow Kliban’s phrase) “like a watermelon seed” or have magic flying camels shit on their head everywhere they go. “why do you carry that umbrella all the time” “Sppok” “Oh I see”

I was going to rant more but I discovered that there is a Turkish Star Trek movie. Turkey seems to be fond of ripping off movies and re-making them with a Turkish cast.
That’s what the picture is from. How can you despair when something so bloody weird exists? Go, like right now – to and look at the Star Turk post. You don’t have to watch all of it, just when the Turkish Kirk comes mincing in to the bridge of the Enterprise. I’ll wait.

Welcome back. Watching that healed me on some deep level. Not all of the world is evil; some of it’s just very very dumb. And that’s good. And boy do they love those mini-skirts.

Still, you have to wonder what “it’s worse than that he’s dead Jim” is in Turkish.

Random Note: Seeing Ms. Rice, looking very fetching in matching flack jacket and helmet, lecture the Iraqi’s about the need to get things under control (cause it’s embarrassing her husband boss) is funny in a grim and bitter way. I’m sure the Iraqis will now hop too it. Right.

I know this has to be an acid flashback – but I could swear I heard that Henry Kissinger has been giving W advice on the Iraqi war. That can’t be good. The man’s 83 and bound to get confused.

HK: Mr. President you have to win.
W: yes
HK: you must show will.
W: yes.
HK: You must impost your will upon your enemies
W: (getting excited) yes yes oh God yes!
HK: Mine the harbors and Bomb them!
Aide to the President: Ah Doctor Kissinger
HK: what do you want?
Aide: Well sir, the thing is, we control the harbors and we been bombing them
W: yes yes yes oh god yes, oh shit, I have to change.
Aide: Very good sir (turning to Dr. Kissinger) And it hasn’t worked, we, that is I, was wondering if you had any real advice you could give the monkey when he gets back
HK: Did you know I f##ked Jill Saint John?
Aide: I’m gay sir, had you f##ked Rock Hudson I would have been impressed

Oh the evil brown acid – I didn’t even take it and I’m getting flashbacks.

Plan to try and get something done on the killer sheep this weekend. I don’t have cable (long stupid story why not) so I won’t be able to waste time by staring at the third re-run of whatever second rate classic AMC is showing. You ever notice how they never come out and say “this film is a dog”, I know they can’t because they want you to watch but at least drop a hint.

Got the new Cheap Trick cd Rockford – and well damn the boys seem to have found their energy again. Their prior album was pretty flat this one, this is the best one they have done since the Red Ant Cheap Trick cd.

I know should talk more about music but hell between the meltdown in DC and the nonsense the world tosses at you – well, more this weekend –promise. Influences and rants and my take on the Angry Red Planet.


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