Thursday, July 27, 2006

Der Folk

Short Version: We go to the Bitter End - I remember why I don't like folkies. We drink we leave.

Went to see a guy we know (Tony London) from the open mike play at the Bitter End - He was very very good – the rest, well, just were awful.

I don’t quite know what the hell it is about folk musicians (not folk music) that gets under my skin but boy oh boy do folkies get me blood up. All I need is somebody in jeans, some kind of flannel looking shirt thing, sandals, a beard, an earring, stoned to the gills on dope, to stand in front of me tuning his guitar and explaining how he came to write the next song “I broke up with my girlfriend” (good for her- my thought) tune tune tune – the E string is almost but no, he’s sharp now. He lowers the tension on the string, tune tune tune, almost there – “And I was feeling pretty bad” (You’re not alone bub) – tune tune tune. “and then I found another girl” Tune tune tune (is that damned E string ever going to get in tune?) “And then she ditched me” (a pattern? Hmmm?) “And I felt pretty bad” (AHHHHHHHH!!!!! ENOUGH – WE FEEL BAD TOO– MAYBE WORSE THAN YOU) “And then I didn’t feel so bad” (REMEMBER IT’SUP THE VEIN) “and then I wrote this song about strawberries” And then he starts playing “Strawberries, strawberries you’re so sweet on my tongue” (SWEET BABBLING MOTHER OF GOD WHAT THE HELL WAS THE POINT OF ALL THAT GIBBERISH YOU MADE US SUFFER THROUGH IF YOU’RE GOING TO SING ABOUT F**KING FRUIT? I NEED MORE BURBON IF I’M GOING TO GET THROUGH ANOTHER DAMN SONG WITOUT KILLING MYSELF). I swear it’s all I can do to stop myself from standing on the table and screaming “BORING! BORING! BORING!”

The Enemy Below agreed and after strong drink - and a decent interval after Tony had stopped singing – and again I feel compelled to point out that he was far and away the best performer there. (He also has a whip smart and very pretty girlfriend. - I admit I’m jealous). We said our good byes to them and fled into the night.

I’d spent more time then I care to admit drifting around the folkie word banging my head trying to get a least a showcase gig but I never fit in. I never fit in anywhere but for some reason I was very aware of not fitting in. Put it down to a clash of personalities. While I can be as navel gazing introspective and can feel as sorry for myself as the next guy – I try not to inflict it upon other people. And I especially don’t like singing about it to other people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yeah, I agree - that Tony London has one hot girlfriend, what a
lucky guy!

In other news, I'm home, after 30 hours of travelling around.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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8:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to hear you got home safe - keep watching this space for addtional details.

12:28 PM  

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