Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Return of the Ghost of the Son of the 31 Days of Cheese - Day 22 - Mission Stardust

No it’s not about Tinkerbelle getting more stardust  - this is a 1967 German-Italian co production loosely based – as in I think the man Characters name – on the Perry Rhodan series of sc-fi novels that was a huge hit in Europe in the 60’s and 70’s if memory serves – per someone on Amazon they published something like 125 books in the US but in Germany the series continues and recently reached number 1,800 which is mind boggling.
Anyway – the story –as I’m able to piece it together has Perry and his stalwart crew heading for the moon to find a newly discovered valuable mineral – Uranium ultra it seems – however they are highjacked and end up on the dark side of the moon where the band Pink Floyd plays – well never mind that they actually have been highjacked by a alien spaceship which has landed on the dark side but is unable to take off due to the automatic repair unit being broken.
There are two aliens – one is the hot alien babe from space – named Thora who has a major chip on her shoulder most of the film – which is okay if I was in control of a space ship that could reduce a mountain range to molten lava in minutes I might have a bit of an attitude myself.
Now of course said attitude does not sit well with Perry and he says so – in a movie way that means they will be lovers by the end of the film.
Anyway the other alien, Crest , is ill but the teams doctor is able instantly or almost instantly find out what is wrong with him – he has leukemia – and it seems the one man in the world who can cure leukemia is a Dr. Haggard who works out of a clinic in Mombasa  – so Thora, Crest,  Perry and annoying sidekick and the rest, take off in an auxiliary ship to earth – by the way why couldn’t the aliens use the auxiliary ship to get out of the solar system and into the space lanes but okay.
They land in a desert in Africa hundreds of miles away from the doctor – why? Plot that’s why! If they could just land well one – the local military wouldn’t get to take potshots at them, not would the oily gangster be able to try and get control of the ship.
There is a massive amount of toing and frowing – while Perry and annoying sidekick head to Mombasa to bring the doctor and the leukemia cure back. They have a encounter with a Sidney Greeenstreet type who gives them a land rover and then of course rats out where they are going to the greasy underworld boss – who it seems has one of Rhodan’s crew as a mole – there is really a lot of filler in this film.
At the very end Crest is healed, the bad guys are killed , there is a lot toing and foing and plot twists that don’t really twist and well of course Perry and the hot alien babe are seen making out.
It’s a pretty silly film that reeks of the 60’s groovyness – it does not have the zing of wild wild planet but it is a reminder that the world was very different in the 60’s.
Enjoy with antipasto and sausages.



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