Thursday, February 20, 2014

Return of the Ghost of the Son of the 31 Days of Cheese - Day 16 - Sharktopus

 Our mad scientists’ sidebar remains mad.
This is one of those films where the title pretty much tells you everything you need to know about what kind of film this is going to be – Sharktopus – it’s going to be about something ½ shark ½ octopus which of course will have hostile intentions towards human beings.
Of course the challenge for a writer facing a title like that is just how in god’s name to put together a narrative that can explain why in god’s name someone would want to do such an insanely silly thing as merge a shark with and octopus ?
Well they tried – the title creature is a creation of an evil industrialist (aren’t they all) acting under orders of the us military who must have been drinking when this idea was green lit.  A lot.
Evil Industrialist (afterwards EI) has his daughter (hereinafter Daughter of EI) is showing the military how well the sharktopus works – some sort of a vague anti-terrorist weapon if memory serves – when of course the damn control system breaks – the Sharktopus is prevented from killing anything it can get its tentacles around however the control is bolted to the outside of the shark’s head (and you couldn’t hardwire the controls into the body of the damn shark?  You’ve already merged it with an octopus after that a few wires couldn’t be that big a deal).
At any rate, the expected happens and the shark goes on a killing spree – The Daughter of the EI can’t understand this until EI explains that “the army wanted a killer” so he modified the programming so that the Sharktopus is an insane killing machine –this he did without telling Daughter of EI – she flips of course.
Soon folks are tracking the Sharktopus (SP from now on) and it ends up outside of Me 
Also there is the male lead who mostly brings attitude and pecs to the equation.  He’s some sort of hot shot something and he’s hired by the EI to capture the Sharktopus – added to the mix is an ambitious reporter her cameraman and sleaze ball boat captain who are chasing the Sharktopus for their own reasons.
The rest of the film has SP killing its way along – the best scenes are the one featuring a bundge jumper – and two guys talking about bad ways to die just before the Sharktopus shows up.
In the end the EI is killed by its own creation the reporter and crew are done in as well leaving only the Male lead and the daughter of the EI to fight and yes of course end the beast’s reign of terror.
The cgi is okay for a syfy film and the acting is over all not horrible – and there is some nice shots of Mexican  resort  on the beach and such but…it mostly just sits there even when the beast is on the attack.
Produced bit the legendary Roger Corman and Co. the DVD has a track featuring comments by Mr. Corman – which being Mr. Corman it’s mostly about money – how much was spend for an effect or some such and how much he saved by casting someone they just found at the resort.  For Corman, movies were always product – that anything decent showed up on screen was something of an accident.
Enjoy with fish tacos.



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