Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On New Years eve - and what not

Well it’s snowing – hell it should be snowing and a bit cold for the New Year’s its winter and that’s the way it should be – the 68 degrees on Christmas was just wrong.

It’s been a bit of a grind this year and looks, at least for the moment it looks like next year is going to be even more of a grind – so time to celebrate hope for the best and maybe just dose off during a football game.

On the bright side – after January 20th we won’t have someone in the White House who instinctual response to any crisis will be to make things worse.

And that at the next gathering of international leaders the President of the United States won’t automatically be the stupidest person in the room.

And I don’t think folks will be tossing shoes at him anytime soon. Maybe the beltway insiders might but they are useless wastes of protein as witnessed by the unbelievable Cookie Roberts comment this year about Osama might be making a mistake going to Hawaii because it’s too exotic and foreign in the eyes of normal Americans. Cookie: One it’s a state, two the closest you get to normal working types are the people you yell at when your coffee is cold.

Meantime well the Middle East is an unholy mess again. After all this time I can’t imagine either side really expects the other side to stop.

In the US state governments are cutting spending everywhere – it’s not something that makes sense really in a down turn this is not the time for the states to do this but many of them are limited either by balanced budget amendments or simply limits on how much they can tax who. It’s a bad system but again proves the power of a bad idea. I read and it makes a lot of sense is that one of the reasons that Keynes is so roundly hated in economic circles is that he approached economics as technical subject not like it was morality play – were one should be punished for falling away from the true faith of free markets and balanced government budgets.

Had a nice Christmas and all that but didn’t nearly get done what I wanted to get done. First I was tired and second – the various cable channels had a free preview weekend – so well between that and Boxing Day soccer – not much happened to me.

Finally got to see Spiderman 3 and frankly I was glad I was seeing it for free – the guy playing Parker should never appear in the spidey suit without the mask and never ever again try to act like John Travolta ever. Meantime my overall reaction was to start yelling at the screen “ for god’s sake all of you – stop whining!” Mary Jane – you’re a beautiful and talented young woman – you had a bad outing – so did fucking Katherine Hepburn so either learn from it or just do something else –. Parker you can god damn climb up walls and despite your nerdy looks and self absorbed whining personality Mary Jane loves you so shut the fuck up. Sandman – for god’s sake just shut up about the daughter okay – why not try getting a normal job like sanding paint of cars – go into business for yourself. Damn I mess the self confident villains that was always the treat of Spiderman comics – the bad guy never had a second of hesitation about himself EVER – and Harry – you’re a fantastically rich victim of amnesia – roll with it you have been given a chance to make your self into anything you want to be without to be honest – the burdens and wounds the rest of us have picked up getting to your age – so shut up!

No I didn’t like the movie.

I was however impressed with Rocky Balboa much to my surprise – the fight at the end was well kind of expected – but the film had a real feel of the weight of age and experience coming down on these people – and it was like Stallone was taking one last look at the character that made him into a star and using it to work out things like the cost of stardom and the effect it has on the ones you love and the price you pay and what happens when it’s not what it was. You needed to see the other films with their ups and downs to get to this one but it seemed worth the trip.

Meantime picked one of those 50 movies for 10 buck things you see in the stores from time to time – and once again it’s proved to me again – you get what you pay for.

But as a rule of thumb one, any film with John Saxon as a guest star is probably not going to be very good and two if that film is Prisoners of the Lost Universe well you know you’re not getting much. And I didn’t. I didn’t even get a “bathe her and bring her to me” scene.


And now some New Year’s stuff. Why not?

1) Lose some weight – don’t well have this
2) get to the gym more – not just to lose weight – I’m just outta shape all over
3) Get out more - see more shows and the like – I live in amazing city were if I wanted to I could find a show that has dogs barking Shakespeare – I need to do more of that.
4) If somehow romance does re-enter my life I’ll try not to react like I was getting the news that I need still extensive dental work sans Novocain.
5) This one’s a bit well hard to say but simply put I need to let folks in more and be more accepting that people like me and well just let them express that to me rather than cut it off out of combined embarrassment and low self esteem. It’s rude and hurtful and I apologize for doing it in the past. Like I said I’ll try not to do it as much in the future.
6) Maybe a few less hideous films
7) Write more songs – good and bad isn’t really my call – I need to be writing more – the bad ones we’ll just toss and the way it works for me I have to write more than a few bad ones before we can get a keeper.
8) get better on the guitar – esp. the electric so The Enemy Below isn’t carrying all the weight on the instrument.
9) – Lighten up

Well that’s it have a great New Year – get home safe and get home safe and un marked – when did folks decide writing on someone who’s passed out is fun? I missed that memo.

Again Happy New Year

Peace Love Shonen Knife.


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