Monday, November 17, 2008

Let them eat cake, Vampire facts and beasts

Let them eat cake!

It doesn’t really take much to get the GOP hatred of the paroles going. In this case, just GM suggesting that maybe they could get some government cash like all the Wall Street firms did aroused the talking heads into a hate frenzy.

The reason they don’t want a bailout is fidelity to free market principles –which they of course abandoned in the wall street bailout – but it’s actually because GM has union workers and nothing makes the hate come like well paid Union workers – they are taking money that would normally go to bonuses for excutives. (these same stalwarts of market capitalism have said ‘boo’ about executives at firms like say AIG who have used bailout money to pay themselves their bonuses – no it’s not hypocrisy it’s class warfare)

Anyway - on to other things – my early morning riding on the train to work because the damn lottery sell still won’t sell me the winning ticket was unpleasantly disturbed by the cover of one of the free papers (AM and Metro) that folks distribute to people as they go into or out of the subways, buses and street corners (you can’t get away from them even if you run) – there aren’t much as newspapers go – the news stories are all pretty much wire service stuff and the columns are mass syndicates – but this morning I was greeted with the unlovely visage of Rudy Giuliani looking like he’s ready for the remake of Nosferatu the revenge – with some sort of Rudy’s on the comeback headline.

This is just another proof that it is never enough simply to drive a wooden stake through the heart of a vampire – you also have chop the head off and fill the mouth of garlic as well ( a detail noted in Bram Stoker’s Dracula but for pretty obvious reasons dropped from all the following adaptations.) how Rudy after running one of the worst planned most expensive and least successful primary campaigns in history (he ended up with one delegate, just one. Which in only one more than I got and I didn’t even run) has the nerve to stand up and say I’m thinking of running for governor on New York or maybe even president.

Consider my mind boggled.

Watched The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms last night again – it’s an early black and white ray harryhausen picture and one of the inspirations for Godzilla – and not without charms of it’s own – Ray’s animation is always a treat – there’s a charming retro quality to stop motion at least when Ray does it. (See Star crash for an example of bad stop motion animation). A couple of things caught my attention – one – what starts the whole business going is a team of scientists blow up an atomic bomb north of the artic circle. Nobody even bothers to say why this is important or an even good idea. But hell it’s the 50’s they were tossing about the idea of building a new Panama canal using atomic bombs to do the digging – not that it would have completely bad – you could always find it the dark and there wouldn’t have been that much of a fuss about giving it back to Panama.

The other odd detail was the size of the rooms – the male lead has an unfortunate accident in the artic after seeing the beast and ends up in the hospital for weeks on end – and his room is huge – it’s bigger than some apartments I was looking at – and the female lead who is – as is the norm – a very good looking young woman - is working as an assistant to the chief paleontologist of the America museum of natural history and where as in real life she’d be living in at best a tiny studio and eating ramen noodles when she wasn’t hunting squirrels for food – has a huge 1 bedroom and an endless series of outfits – which beggars the questions what do you wear when a prehistoric sea beast is attacking New York?

The last thing is the beast is really a built up lizard rather than a dinosaur – which have very different hips and don’t have the sprawl of the Beast. But Ray found this easier to work with in this case and time was money.

Peace Love Beasts from 20,000 Fathoms.


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