Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday and monsters real and otherwise

Well it’s Monday –

I was once told that there is a Hungarian saying that says “not even the grass grows on Monday” the woman who told me this also insisted that the Hungarians were in essence descended from the Huns of Attila – to which I nodded – we all have these things in our ethnic background – mine is that Ireland, especially the west of Ireland where my grandparents came from was a green land of poets and rebels and not a collection of miserable cottages at the edge of the Atlantic were folks scratched to make a bare living in the thin and rocky soil.

Anyway there is a sense that folks won’t wake up much until noon or later now.

It was the first cold day of the year – and the heat wasn’t on – it’ll be on by tonight I’m sure – there is always a day or so delay before the heat gets turned on – I can understand heating oil is pretty damn expensive. Still the first thing you say when you feet hit the wooden floor should not be ‘AHHHHH COLD!”

As part of my Halloween ritual I’ve been watching the classic Universal Monster Movies – Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, and the Wolf Man et al – so far just Dracula and Frankenstein.

There is a disturbing presence about these two films – Frankenstein is fraught – if that’s the right word – with images of death and decay. There is a sense of pathology about the film, mental illness run riot if you would. The monster is a living death – a reminder of it – and is hated for it. (Karloff’s makeup was Green not because he was supposed to be green but because the green shot in black and white made his skin look like that of a corpse).

There is a weird energy in both films – but it is like the wildness of mold or mushrooms sprouting on a dead tree.

The underlying dark sexuality in Dracula has been the primary focus of the revivals and the remakes as the years gone by upping it – however in 1931 version sex is a thing of terror, especially when the women get into the act as in enjoying it – that twisted some folks minds into knots. In this Dracula there is a sense of disease and rot that is in every frame – it’s a shut in pest house where Dracula is both symptom and king. Even the end doesn’t dispel the gloom.

Meantime – Colin Powell has endorsed McCain for President – and his discovered to his shock that there are racists in the GOP. Meantime the right wing bloggers and talking heads have discovered that Colin is Black. Not that that proves Colin’s point or anything.

Meantime Meantime – the only way Sarah’s rallies could get any more rancid is if they start burning crosses while she’s speaking and hey they got two weeks.

Going to be Tampa and Philly in the Series. This will not please Fox much. Especially since TBS ended up with the best Series – Boston Tampa. I think Tampa will win – somewhat better pitching but this can go either way very easily.

The Jets managed to lose to one of the worst teams in the NFL yesterday. Bret has to be wondering what the hell was he thinking when he said yes.

Peace Love I am Dracula


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