Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Some Days - and some worlds

Some days

Some days I feel like I’m watching the beginning of the Road Warrior.

Also known as Mad Max 2 – the movie opens with an old man talking over a montage of stock footage and scenes from the first film as western civilization collapses as oil supplies dwindle down to nothing.

“The leaders talked and talked and talked but nothing could stem the avalanche”

It’s been a weird holiday season – the economy keeps tanking and a new a fascinating weakness pop up weekly – this week it’s the commercial real estate market that is coming to Washington with their hands out for cash. Retail sales are just awful and yet – there is no real sense of crisis in the mainstream media - everybody is trying to keep a good face on things and 150 billion dollar ponzi schemes are uncovered every day of the week.

I really really am worried about the next 20 or so days – I just saw that a money market fund is going to restrict withdrawals – which is what one does when you have a run on your money market company. Money markets are not – gee what a damn surprise – part of the FDIC and therefore offer better rates the problem when this shit happens.

I am assuming that the presidents and what not of this company will do okay and get bailout money. The folks who own the money market accounts themselves well not so much. It’s the way of things – people in steerage are not allowed to go to the life boats.

It is the irresponsible playing with fire by folks with ideological axes to grind that truly frighten me. However I’m not going to be saying both sides are as guilty as the other in this – that’s simply not damn true.


Next day –

Had planned to get this up yesterday but things got in the way. It’s finally Christmas Eve and finally I’m done.

I’ve come to the conclusion that shopping for Christmas like emptying a desk drawer or doing a work of art is not something that you finish – it’s something that you abandon. I’m sure I’ve missed someone but boys and girls – I’m outta time and outta cash so better luck next year.

Anyway – want to thank the band for allowing me to have more damn fun than a man my age should have I think. It’s been a present that just keeps on giving. Here’s to more tastelessness in the coming year.

Saw Handel’s Messiah for the first time in a while – at 3 hours it is a bit on the long side and there are parts that you could say drag a bit to someone who plays violent video games and listens to the Ramones – but I’d rather hear the whole thing rather than highlights – the hallaluia chorus is far more moving within the contenxt of the of whole oratorio rather than as a highlight you can feel the piece lead up to it. I think that goes for Wagner’s Ring as well – which I am almost through – one last one to go – I kind of think of it as intellectual spinach or mind roughage to make up for the repeated watching of Plan Nine from Outer space, Manos the Hands of Fate, Super Inframan and Robot Monster.

Also reading a book on parallel universes which has a surprisingly respected place in physics when dealing with Quantum mechanics.

The basic thrust of the idea is that when ever one quantum event is observed – trust me it would take days for me to write out what is meant by quantum event and I’d probably miss most of the important points – anyway once a quantum event is observed, multi-worlds holds that the other quantum possibly (heads tails although its far more complicated than that) shows up in another universe.

This always struck me as being well excessive but the book is interesting anyway – and it has an interesting kick.

One of the great problems of contemporary physics is the problem of Quantum Gravity – or how does gravity work on the quantum level – Einstein’s theory of General Relativity is what is known as a classical theory where in the objects being acted upon are real in that they have attributes that are there whether you are looking or not as opposed to Quantum entities which aren’t real in that manner – like a coin that didn’t have heads or tails before you flipped it only the potential – that’s probably not quite right neither. In any event the book pointed out that one link between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are both of them have solutions that predict multiple universes. I’m only about 1/3rd of my way though the book but I do find that an interesting coincidence.

Of course science fiction writers have used the idea of a multiple universe for ages now – hell even Jet Li used it in a movie.

Still what kind of bugs me about the whole idea , aside from the extravagance of it , is that if there are multiple universes and some of them contain some version of me who is wildly successful and beloved of beautiful women – why is that not be. And to that bob if you are out there – I hate you with the heat of a thousand suns.

Well before I start to think about the Bobs who are worse off than me and get totally depressed I’m going to wish you all happy holidays from all of me

Peace, Love, The roll of Quantum Dice and love the earth a bit okay?


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