Tuesday, December 16, 2008

If the Shoe Fits Throw it?

Well I’ve seen a lot of surreal things over my years – including things that would make Salvador Dali just toss up his hands and say “oh you can’t be serious.” But this most recent incident with W is just pins the bizarre meter. In the long and not always glorious history of the presidency – nobody ever got shoes tossed at them. I suspect that the Secret service will be inspecting reporters at press conferences for things like rotten fruit and dead cats (to list two traditional things folks in the west have been known to toss at folks they dislike).

There is little chance really that people will start tossing shoes at W where ever he goes, especially in America, shoes are expensive even the damn sneakers.

As we continue to careen towards the great depression part 2 – we have folks who just want to make things worse – because they either a cynics or truly believe the nonsense they spout or they are stupid – this is not to rule out all three being true by the way.

Odd warm day – the rest of the country seems to crawling out of ice and snow but here in the northeast where you it supposed to be cold – well it’s 60.

Speaking of climate they have remade the Day the Earth Stood Still – but this time –it’s about the environment – from the reviews it’s heavy handed and no fun at all which kind of undercuts the point.

There is problem with making message films – you end up losing the story because of the message – the original Godzilla was an Anti-war primarily anti- arms race film but it didn’t beat you over the head with that – Godzilla was the embodiment of the bomb – and it’s blind destruction and horror. But that was as it where subtext.

the original Day was also about the Bomb – but the message here was while heavy not preachy – it was simply “ do what you do with this mudball – but if you take your warlike ways outside this solar system Robots like Gort will reduce you planet to a lifeless cinder – thank you have a nice day.

The message could have been similar but keyed towards the environment – go ahead and treat this planet like a toilet if you want to but – bring your garbage outside your local system and we’ll reduce this planet to a cinder. Have a nice day.

I was saddened by some of the nasty comments about the film that were talking about how the global warming folks wanted us to go back to the dark ages – when of course not doing anything about warming is formula for chaos – with a pretty good chance of a dark ages that would make the on imagined in the Road Warrior look like a day at the beach. It’s sad folks have this attitude but I remember one person who said people will not fight for their liberties but they will turn suicidal in defense of the privileges. And we see that over and over again. I keep thinking of Sicily that at one time was covered with trees.

I’m told there were demonstrations asking for the release of the shoe tosser.

You know it’s things like this that can snowball into trouble very very quickly. Revolts have started with less. We’ll have to see what happens. I’m not sanguine about our ability to keep the Iraq street calm.

No Christmas shopping as of today – which means if it wasn’t for Amazon nobody gets a thing from me.

Need some new strange stuff – I guess a trip to the record store is in order.

Been thinking about the Captain America Movie – there are going to be some problems here - one the man altered by science into a superman or superhuman has been done to death in Sci-fi films – and the whole man out of time deal where he’s in WW2 and then gets frozen is something else that’s been done to death. In the comic although it was a shock for Steve it was 1964 and 20 years – now were talking 64 or more – how does someone even begin to understand what happened or what the changes are?

Well they did a good job with Iron Man who had as many problems in his back story – we’ll see what they do.

Peace Love Cap


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