Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sunshine, Squirrels, Jiggling

No time for much today – end of month nonsense and other matters press

The sun or some bright shinny object is in the sky and it’s warmer so I hope I won’t be treated to the sight of a brawl between a hot dog guy and a newspaper vendor.

Lottery guy continues to not sell me the winning ticket. It’s pretty damn annoying, I keep paying good money to this guy and he keeps not giving me the winning ticket. I don’t know how much longer I am going to keep this up.

Hard on the heels of Al Gore’s documentary getting an Oscar the predictable swift boating occurred, this time, that Al Gore, former Senator and Vice president, lives in a big house and uses electricity. Somehow this makes him a hypocrite and the ice caps are not melting so stop saying that. Of course if Al lived in a tent and ate only pine nuts and acorns, these same people would say Al was robbing the squirrels in his neighborhood.

I’m not going to go into the details cause they are boring and really not worth it anyway. Suffice to say the story is BS in the classic attack the messenger style.

I feel sorry for Al, he actually is trying to make a difference, actually trying to help humanity as a whole, and as a result he has to put up with this gibberish. He’s a much better man than I am I have to say. I’d have just withdrawn to the mountains and when the coast cities started to flood and the deserts took over the grain belt or America I’d laugh in low mocking tones as I handed out pine nuts and acorns to the survivors saying over and over again “I told you this would happen, again and again I told you but did you listen? No. well enjoy the new world Schmucks. We’re all doomed, deal with it. Here are your pine nuts.”

“No there isn’t any water.”

In re global warming – personally I think we’re fucked. Too many powerful people have a vested interest in the status quo, for example the former head of Exxon (and you’d think with all that money he could either exercise or get some plastic surgery on that double chin of his. Really he looks like he’s started to melt). Offered cash prizes to any scientists willing to publish a paper challenging global warming and the effect man made gases are having on it. Sheesh. How can you do anything when you are dealing with folks like that? Short of putting them in a tent and forcing them to go on a diet of pine nuts.

Our record when confronting environmental problems as a whole is not good historically – Sicily was once covered with trees for example – so I’m not very sanguine about our ability as a species to do much here, especially when our long term interest goes against our short term tendencies to not change a damn thing cause its easier that way.

Cold turned out to be a one day deal which was good – because for some reason when I’m like that I find myself feeling utterly futile and horny at the same time, blessed if I know why, maybe being physically ill lessens my repression of those feelings I find difficult or uncomfortable to deal with, in any event it can lead to some very odd internal dialogues

“Oh look at her, she’s the kind”
“Like she would have anything to do with you.”
“Listen I’m not saying she would it’s just”
“Blow your nose, God what’s the point, anyway.”
“It’s not like I’m going to do anything,”
“Not like anything would happen if you did is it.”
“I’m not saying that but she is really hot.”
“It’s all useless. And cruel when you get down to it, why do I have these desires if I can’t do anything about them. Better off without them.”
“Blow your nose.”

Anyway – spent the evening watching some of my Mystery Science Theater 3000 DVD’s which I do when I’m not feeling well – or, well hell I watch them a lot okay. Still
One, Angels’ Revenge deserves at least a passing comment. First of all – it is god awful in a very special way – the story such as it is has seven women in forming a vigilante Charlie’s Angels and fighting a drug mob. None and I mean none of the women can act a lick – and I think maybe two of them were in any other movies at all. All were chosen because they would run while not wearing a bra. At least that’s how it looks to me when I’m watching the film.

But it’s the male stars who make this just a very odd film – The drug Kingpin is played by Peter Lawford who you can tell is pretty much plowed by the end of the film, his main thug by Jack Palance (who managed to later rescue his career with City Slickers before destroying again with City Slickers two) and in painful ‘comedy roles” Jim Backus, and Pat Buttram, and as an agent of one of the women Alan Hale jr. The cast is rounded out by a Cameo by Arthur Godfrey that looked like it was filmed months after he had died and been dipped in wax and then oiled up.

It’s like somebody walked into the “has-been bar and cocktail lounge” in Hollywood one after noon and said “Hey anybody want a job?”
“Buy the drinks”
“And lunch?”
“Yes Alan”
“Okay you’re on.”
“I eat a lot”
“I noticed that Alan”

It’s the combination of desperate never were's and desperate has beens that gives this film its deeply depressing under tone. It is an especial favorite of mine.

Well people are waving paper at me. More later.

Re the picture - you think maybe Norman Bates got started like this?

Peach love, pine nuts.


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