Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Daily Grind

Okay back in the daily grind – not having one of my stellar days – well all things come to an end I suppose. Tomorrow is another day and in one Hundred years all new people.

Have become a complete city of heroes/city of villains junkie – it’s pathetic I am using parts of my brain that could I don’t know be doing something useful for me or the world and instead I’m wondering what character I should create next – and what costume he or she should wear – pathetic – it would be more pathetic if The Enemy Below and Insect Girl weren’t already also hooked on the game – (there were the ones that got me hooked in the first place.)

Ash Wednesday – lord it’s been years since I’ve gone to that service. But it marks the beginning of Lent where is it is traditional to give something up. I’ve decided however this time I’m going to try and stay positive and upbeat even if it kills me. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Off to the open mike tonight – it’s been a couple of weeks and we would like to play for people instead of a machine – we also have a gig at the coffee shop sometime in March – I’ll let you know when we get the exact date.

Trying to put my mind back into day to day stuff other than the album – we’re not going to hear from Tim for a bit but it is human nature to wonder how he’s doing – of course he could be playing with his band and spending the rest of the time playing guild wars or world of war craft another on-line role-playing game that will suck the time right out of a day.

Apparently Brit Hume announced on NBC that the news that night would not cover anything about Anna Nicole Smith or Brittany Spears. Expect that policy to die the instant Brittany announces she is carrying Anna Nicole Smiths baby.

An interesting trend these days I find is the habit of putting starts when the wheels are coming off in public – Brittany – Mel Gibson’s public meltdown – into Rehab in the bad old days they would toss them into sanitariums for some ‘rest’ – and before that folks causing too much trouble would be sent to a convent or monastery depending on gender.

I see that Tony Blair is taking British troops out of Iraq. I presume domestic pressure is behind this – also there is the sick possibility that Blair wants as many of his troops out of harms way when W and his cabal decide it’s time to bomb Iran.

Plan to do some bad movie watching over the next few days – have phantoms but the siren lure of City of Heroes lures – still I hope to watch this tomorrow. Per the Enemy Below it isn’t as bad as some of the films I’ve seen – hell not much could be worse than Robot Monster but it features people doing stupid things because they are in a movie which is a bad disease in movies these days. Like going into the basement after a few dozen people have already been killed in hideous ways – like getting their head torn off.

I remember towards the end of Psycho where the female lead went down in the basement looking for Norman’s mother – people with me (who had not seen the movie) were saying “no don’t go down there!” but at least this time – what we expected – Norman’s mother with a kitchen knife was not what we got – which is why Hitchcock is a good film maker and the clown who did hobgoblins is a hack.

Much speculation re Libby trail – as in what happens if he is found guilty – some are saying that Fitzgerald with then start to squeeze him to get him to give up the VP. Who knows – people have too much time to speculate inside the beltway – it’s damn near a competitive sport these days.


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