Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Back to Work

No I don’t know why I put the picture of Commando Cody here – it makes some kind of sense on some deep weird stream of consciousness level that is entirely beyond my ability to express in words.

Quiet today here – which is just as well – after this time off I am pretty much qualified to stare at my computer and answer the most basic questions – actual thinking is going to have to wait a day or two. As will speaking. I can point and e-mail – that’s about it. Amazing how quickly all that fades away from you.

Looking back I fell better about the project that I did the day we finished – I still hate hearing my voice – I go flat all the time – and Stacy became a nightmare but – well we did it – we knew what we wanted to do and we did it. Much thanks to Tim for dealing with my inexperienced self in the recording studio and to the Enemy Below for arguing with me over who sucked the most and Insect Girl for her sheep vocals and too ing and frowing as needed.

In the week I haven’t been paying attention to the news I noticed that nothing much has changed other than people are talking about bombing Iran more that before. This really makes me nervous – the same people calling for the bombing of Iran are the same folks that said that Iraq was going to be a cakewalk. As a side note: really what the hell is a cakewalk? Do people hand you pieces of cake as you are walking? Is that it? And are they members of the Church of England (per Eddie Izzard “Tea and Cake or Death!”) and what kind of cake? Are plates and forks included or do you have to eat it with your hands while walking? End side note.

The other piece of nasty noise is the loose calls of stabbing in the back and treason for folks that are questioning W’s grand adventures. I mean it’s not like things are going so well we want more of them. When Napoleon left Russia, even he didn’t say “okay we attack Turkey next.” He was a megalomaniac but he wasn’t stupid – our guy alas is a megalomaniac and stupid. Brutal combination.

The media of course are after the dead body of one blonde and the shaved head of another one – the only people who are happy with all this is the guys from NASA who no longer are being asked why they were okay with a diaper wearing astronauts.

I don’t really know why Anna Nicole Smith was that famous or why she is still that famous – my head doesn’t work well enough I guess. I suspect however that Brittany’s brain is tossing rods as she goes along. Shaving your head is the way Buddhist priests signify they are renouncing the world – at one time nuns did the same thing – and I’m guessing somewhere deep in her brain something is shrieking “get me outta here!” Meaning the whole fame bag ….

I’d say more but the weasels have discovered I’m back at work. Folks are shoving papers at me and e-mails full of panicked gibberish are showing up. So later folks.

Peace, love, rocket men.


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