Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Drooling and St Valentine's Day

On 2-13 -07 we thought it was Valentines Day – we also thought it was Wednesday as well – which shows you that the recording was beginning to eat our brains. Some notes from Yesterday:

First thing in the morning we finished the vocals on Ethelred – Tim said cool for the first time and we were happy.

1: 05 – We wrapped up sex with me – a ditty that we might like more when we get the drums – Insect girl has talked about us needing a hand clap song this may be it – we’ll see.

1: 07 Bob says “We bang into sex with me” causing the insect girl to bang her head on the keyboard multiple times.

1: 15 – Tim does not like Cheese – Cheese in my head that is. We try another vocal track.

1:19 Tim says perfect on cheese – which he hates – we rejoice.

1:25 – listening to all the takes of someone else that we did yesterday – they all suck. We rig up to do it again.

1:31 – I discover two things – one that the battery on my guitar is dead – two that I left the replacement somewhere other than in my guitar case – where that is beyond me – we try Insect Girl’s guitar – I have trouble with the F chord – again and again and again.

2:47 – The I suck, no I suck no no I really really suck. No I’m a god-damn hover vacuum I suck so much argument occurs. Most bands have competing egos – we have competing senses of low self esteem.

3 ish, - somehow I nail the vocal on some one else on the first try – hand mike over to enemy Below – he nails take – Tim, trying not to laugh during Enemy’s vocals – ends up drooling on his key board.

After that we do Killer Sheep – which is the only song of ours to feature a gong track – which we managed to do okay the first time and actually on time – which was weird we thought we were just going to punch it in.

Tim lost it one more time when he was setting up the vocals for The Enemy Below.

“So what do are you doing here?” he asked.

“I go Baaa baaa”

At which Tim just lost it. So what did you record to day Tim – Some one going Baaa Baaa like a sheep. Guess that doesn’t happen much yes?

We finished that track and went on to the S&M song were alas my voice gave out on the first take of the vocals – we got the man being savaged by some unnamed and unknown sexual device but right after that – I ended up croaking – we ended the day there – problems with Stacy not withstanding we are doing okay – we’re even a bit ahead of the game here which is good cause Stacy is going in the can even if it kills us.

After that we ended up playing City of Hero’s – I am now a complete geek but there a sense of comfort when you find yourself in this world.

We hope to get People with Insect Heads and The Lottery Song in today – which means of course I am going to have to finally decide on the last verse of the Lottery Song. Usually I’m making it up as I go along at that point – which you can’t do on take. No?

Happy Valentines day to all – for couples all my best – for the rest of us let us take comfort in the fact that St Valentine was executed under orders of the Roman Emperor Claudius the II (Also known as Claudius the Goth)

Peace Love back in the studio.


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