Friday, February 16, 2007

Baas, Porn, Insect heads -recording notes

We’re in the home stretch now – we’re all tired and brunt and our voices sound like we’ve been drinking bleach and eating glass and then yelling during a mortar attack. And the siren lure of psychotic breakdown is ever present. Still progress has been made –

Distilled notes and memories from the last two days:

When we got back to the studio this morning (2/14/07) – the first thing was that insect girl did her Baa’s baaa’s for the Killer sheep song. It was a weird take in some ways – IG was sitting on the floor – headphones one – going baa baa into the mike while the rest of us were all avoiding looking at her or each other cause we were going to start laughing the instant we did. IG got the take down and as we listened we just all cracked up – Killer sheep has to be the silliest thing we have done to date.

As we were listening to the rough mix of the Killer Sheep song we had what had to be the weirdest conversation on the history of recorded music.

“You should take my baas out” The enemy Below said
“They aren’t very good” he said “you should use her’s” (The Insect Girl)
“Her Baas”
“Yes instead of mine – put them up in the mix”
Things went on like that for a bit and Tim again found himself wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into.

The laughter stopped when we started the Lottery Song – The Enemy Below doesn’t like this song much and after all the takes it took to get this evil bastard nailed now – I’m not very happy with it either – in fact I hate it – it’s shallow and mean and not worthy of us – and will probably be our breakout hit things being what they are.

However after the struggle with Lottery Insect Heads was pure please to record. After we finished it – Tim just listened to the mix and said “Wow.”

He asked me where the hell did I get the idea for this – it came from a few places – I’ve seen the image of people with insect heads on the old rolling stones album Metamorphosis (pictured) and it stayed with me and one day I was just walking along and said “people with insect heads” and then it was a matter of finding the right words and such. The sexual panic aspects of the song I have say come from me.

The next day (2/15/07) had the usual ups and downs:

11:37 – no Tim (11 is the schedule start time) we shouldn’t have paid him.

11:38 - Tim will be there in 5 minutes

11: 51 - no Tim

11: 56 – still no Tim.

Tim Arrived shortly after that looking like the producer of the living dead.

Got the Porn song in the can after a few false starts – I can’t seem to play a steady guitar to track I’m listening to – this lead to a bit of I suck no I suck but the argument was rather short. We need the Enemy Below’s vocals in the can for this but has to wait until Friday because he blows his voice out every time he sings it – yelling “all Girl Three way” – the sacrifices we make for our art. Actually both of our voices are dying now after singing for 6 days straight – tea some odd concoctions in a spray and rest are the only things keeping our voices going.

In the studio – which is used by another band in the evening – there was sort of poster on the wall – and as they were fussing with wires and such – which I stay away from I know my limits -

Anyway I read the sign it when – “Whatever you can do or dream U can begin.” Then I started reading it out loud

“Boldness has a genius power and magic in it”

At this point – Insect Girl walked into the studio and announced “I just walked into a wall”.

We then managed to get a decent take for me of the S&M song – it went well but lord I’m embarrassed – still give me a mike and the normal person goes away and there’s this lunatic who will do and say ANYTHING.

Plans for today – Vocals for Stacie – then Enemy Below on Porn and then if time a couple of insect Girl songs (freebies – Tim’s a good friend of IG)

If that works out we’ll be able to listen to all the tracks Saturday and see if we need anything added.

Wish us luck.

(Blogger hates pics - rolling stone cover later)

2-16 later added pic


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