Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Off to Florida - some notes on the passing parade

Light blogging to day – I’m off to Florida and trying to get things in a row before I leave.


Head line reads “Astronaut arrested in kidnap attempt. Seems one female astronaut tried to kidnap another female astronaut because she felt the other woman was a rival for the affections of the male astronaut she was having an affair with – I think everybody is also married as well. All this happened in Florida of course. I think Carl Hassien has made a bid for the book rights.

Related in some way – Rudy Giuliani is inches away from announcing he wants to run for president. Early polls say he would lose NY but that’s because we know him here. Actually his candidacy for the GOP nod will flounder on the rock of the Religious right – not because of his past relationship problems, affairs, a messy divorce and what not – hell he’s only on his second wife – Newts on number three, no that’s not the problem, the rights problem with Rudy are his mainstream views on abortion rights (i.e. supports them) and gay rights (civil unions, non-discrimination for example) such things are anathema to the religious right – his campaign will sink like Joe Biden’s a result.

Per Digby – Joe Lieberman has gone off into la la land – he’s talking like we are already at war with Iran (Joe says they don’t think we have the will for a long war) and he is reading a book that is concerned about the higher breeding rate of Muslim immigrants in Europe and by extension America (where the higher birth rate of Hispanics is causing some folks to wet their pants in fight at the foreign other taking over.

It was ever thus – in the late 19th and early 20th century the alarming fertility of the Irish Polish and Italian immigrants caused movements like the no-nothings to flourish – and Tacoma Washington passed a regulation banning Asians from the city – fear of the ‘other’ runs deep in the establishment, forgetting time and time again by the time the ‘other’ does enter the halls of power – they’re pretty much the same as everybody else.

As a last note – for a Jewish man to use the term will in the way he does is bitterly ironic.

For some reason Arizona University had their women’s basketball teams’ game outside – and it rained and then became the only college basket ball game ever rained out.

Off to Florida fly low be cool – light blogging for a bit then a report on the making of the album. The enemy Below keeps trying to cheer me up by saying how bad it is going to be.


Peace Love Shonen Knife.


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