Monday, February 12, 2007

Delray - and Recording Day One

Delray notes - 2-8 - 2-11

Okay here in Florida – walking the streets of Delray – no real problem on the flight – always a concern of mine – turbulence makes me sick – control issue I guess – this time in order to take my mind off of my concern about flying – its not fear anymore – but I'm not that happy with it – so I decided to amuse my self in a sick way with what I would say if we were actually going to crash – something odd like “ I should have slept with both of them! “ Give the other passengers something to think about.

Golf tomorrow – haven’t played in a long time but well my dad likes it so off we go. Dad and I haven't always had the best relationship so to be able to spend time with him like this is a very good thing.

Delray has a small bar that features an Elvis impersonator that works on Thursdays – place is packed the sidewalk is crowed – meantime the club next to has a band playing Sweet home Alabama – no place our band here.

Was in a shop where they featured kind of cool clothing – since I wasn’t dressed like a punker they steered me towards some more boring clothing still the best stuff some t-shirts by some guy named Harvey were going for about $80 bucks and the shirts were 200- 300 bucks a pop. Sweet mother the whole idea of punk was that it was cheap – you have 80 buck t-shirts with a punk vibe and well – I’m just too old and too poor.

People kept trying to talk to me in Delray – makes me miss new York were folks don’t bother with each others business – even if you are on fire a new Yorker will assume that you wanted this that way and would be angry if anybody interfered. Both ways of doing things have good and bad points

Speaking of bad – watched about 7 minutes of “my super ex-girlfriend” I know I watch bad films but I’m on vacation and this was a bad comedy – nothing is more grim and more soul destroying than a bad comedy – there are points in a comedy film were they stop because they are waiting for the audience to stop laughing – when they aren’t laughing well you just want to kill yourself to make the pain go away.

Anyway very quickly – The film is set in new York city where there is this super – girl type superhero doing good things – (played by Ulma Thuman who I hope got a lot of money for this part cause) after we see her in action we are introduced to the male lead and the always on the make wisecracking side kick – who gives the plot away in about 11 seconds. On a subway - Male lead sees Ulma in her civvies – al la female Clark Kent – and he is smitten but afraid to make a move “come on” he says ‘it’s been six months since you broke up with your last psychotically needy girlfriend. It’s time” there is a bit more of banter that makes you want to pound your head on the table while screaming stop stop stop! Paint by the numbers banter – then male lead decides to talk to ulna – at which point I just put my hands up in the air while yelling “what the hell!”

In New York you never and I mean never as in fucking never, as in never god damn ever ever ever walk up to someone on the subway and start a conversation – especially if she is a woman – you are looking to get if nothing else pepper spay right in the face – it’s a subway not a god damn singles bar – people are in the subway because they are going someplace – people don’t ride the subway looking to meet someone – only bums and psychos and drunks talk to strangers. I have to wonder if the damn writers of this mess had ever been on a subway in their damn lives – anyway there is some toing and frowing and some nonsense of ulma’s purse getting snatched – shit you people didn’t use any part of your brain did you? And they end up hooking up – after the male lead has made and idiot of himself – so there we were with to leads I didn’t give a damn about and decided it was time to watch something else.

Recording day 1 - Take 45 of Stacy was pretty good.

2-12-07 early am – finished 1st day – long – we had to wait for Tim to show up due to a mix up in the dates – while we both thought we would be starting the 11th he thought the 11th was a Monday –

My notes as follow – pretty much verbatim – except when I think the joke would be better otherwise.

10 am – no Tim – Panic sets in – at least with me.

Near the studio there are several homeless hanging about – there is also a place for day labors near by. Florida while having a nice climate is very though job wise – there just aren’t any especially for the folks on the bottom.

10:30 still not Tim – talks turns to jail time or accidents or orgies.

10:45 – still not Tim – discussion takes a nasty turn – i.e. the killing and the easy disposal of Tim’s body since he is so short.

11 – Just worried now. Can’t get him on the phone and I.G. is off to find him.

Shortly thereafter we ended up working on the song sequence for the musical and then Tim arrived. He had though the 11th was a Monday. So anyway off we went.

Anyway it all turned out okay – except that it took us forever to get Stacy recorded and even now we still need to get the vocals in harmony – it was like hell and damn if we have to play this m-f one more time I’m just going to kill myself right here.

The problem with Stacy is that there are a lot of pauses and some subtle time changes that well are just a bit beyond my skill – we do okay on stage cause hell it doesn’t have to be perfect on stage but on a recording – shit you hear it when you miss so at the end, in a very very odd looking scene indeed Tim was tapping my foot with his to keep me in the beat while I was – take 18 I think – trying to get the damn thing right. At this point my ever reliable ally my lack of any self esteem kicked in and demanded to know why the hell was I wasting everybody’s time and I should just quit now. Well I was tempted – because I’m like that but I was able to bull through it because I know for damn sure that that voice has never steered me right in my life. Ever.

So we got the instrumental tracks done –the vocals we need to do again because we were tired and our vocals didn’t quite jell.

We also got the instrumentals for tired of being insane down as well – since that’s all me – the vocals should be a bit smoother to do.

Today – Cheese in my head and “Sorry I ate your brain” wish us luck.

Peace Love Take 22.


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