Monday, January 22, 2007

Post 150 and the Great Magnet

This is my 150th post – I remember saying when I started well I’ll do this every now and then – not be sooo obsessive. Well that worked didn’t it? And to anyone who has read all 149 prior posts – thank you but still it seems a sad thing to do with your time.

Gig Friday so I’m going to try and not do anything STUPID to my body until the gig at least. Right food, rest the whole nine yards – I felt myself fade a bit last gig – don’t want that to happen again – heck folks might show up this time.

Stupid purchase of the week – I was walking to the Subway yesterday on my way home from Philly (note – Temple needs better basketball players) and there a table on 34th street advertising $1.00 DVD’s – next to a table full of ties, and one of handbags. I didn’t mean to but I looked and the next thing I knew I had a copy of “White Comanche” in my hand and a dollar in the other that I handed to the woman at the table.

I still don’t know why I bought the silly film – I had already seen it – and written about it in the blog (8/29/06)– and it was horrible. I mean good awful – William Shanter was in it (making this film between Star Trek Seasons) and well Bill was Bill. I never wanted to see it again. So why buy it?

One thought is that I’m stupid – which I am drawn to from time to time as an explanation of why I do what I do. However this just seems to a berserk form of obsessive compulsive disorder - where I have to have copies of these awful movies. I have Fiend of Dope Island I have Brides of Blood and Mad Doctor of Blood Island for no rational reason whatsoever. Well at least I am not washing my hands twenty times a day – not yet as, I understand these things get worse with age. It’s cheery thoughts like that that keep me warm at night. I’ll know I have a real problem with I am mad with delight over getting a copy of “Exorcist II” in the original uncut version.

Actually I’ve just passed my problems over the great magnet – I can’t for the life of me know what to about my long term money troubles, long term Job prospects, long term romantic/dating/relationship problems/ and the like, so I’ve decided to let the great magnet that runs the universe handle those problems. Me I’ll make snarky comments on this blog and work on the band and the musical, do my work at my job, day by day stuff – those things I can handle – where I’m gonna be in a year or more – well too many things are not settled and that’s why I will leave it in the hands of the great magnet.

In a moment that shows Irony is dead – W has declared this (the anniversary or Roe vs. Wade) “National Sanctity of life day”. This is of course rich coming from someone who started the war in Iraq and who in a recent interview shrugged off the civilian casualties in that country with comment to the effect that the ones that are still alive are better now that Saddam is gone.

Tomorrow the twit goes in front of the combined House and Senate and tires to speak in whole sentences – the word is that he plans to concentrate on domestic issues like – well whatever his speechwriters can come up with. I’m wonder what the weird and bizarre tangent topic will be this year. Last year it was steroids, the year before human-animal Hybrids and the year before that it was the mission to mars (anybody remember that? We were going to mars! Yippie! Man did that die the death quickly.)

This can’t be an easy speech for him. (Like any is) but at least until this year he was able to pretend he was king of the world. Now he’s just a lame duck facing a congress controlled by the other party – who are not, in most cases, willing to go along with his gibberish. It could be grim as hell.

Hilary Clinton has formed an exploit committee to look into running for president.

You have to wonder just what the hell does this mean? Do they wear miner’s helmets? What? It’s a silly term.

I’m mixed about Hillary – I was fond of making various right wingers head spin and explode by saying “W’s enduring legacy will to be such a bad president that HiLlary gets elected president” You should hear the screams when I said that. But Hillary is not really one of my favorites, there is always a sense of calculation with her, a sense that she does not put a foot down in any direction until she checks the wind. I tend to respect politicians that do have issues they are willing to lose their seat over, and I don’t get that from Hillary. And this sudden warm coverage in the NY post after years of her being portrayed as a witch on skis gives me pause. I would never want the NY Post on my side for any political issue or campaign. If I did I would know I was doing something wrong.

And I have to say this about the other New York Senator – Chuck just shut the fuck up. You are, alas, completely out of your depth here. I’m not sure what his intention was writing his book but knowing the lead time for publishing – it was written before the election and under the assumption that the GOP would retain control of both houses – which was the ‘smart insider’ thinking some months ago. Right now this book – which the Post gleefully noted ‘came out against the special interest groups on the left” is as out dated as a manual on Stagecoach Repair would be for someone working the Subways. I don’t have that much against Schumer – he did beat Alfonse D’Amato who completely loathed but he’, if truth be told, not that bright and way too fond inside the Beltway culture and those lunches.

Rehersal tomrrow – and then open mike wendsday. Report later – Thinking of brides of blood for my next movie – Phillipine horror film – with all the high qualtiy that that implies.

Peace, Love, Iron Filings


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