Thursday, January 18, 2007

Manners Swords Cheese and the Law

I find myself wishing sometimes that God would stop what ever he’s doing at the moment – running the universe or contemplating how awesome he is…

“I am awesome”
“Yes lord”
“Of course I am God, so I’d have to be awesome”
“Yes lord”
“How awesome do you think I am?”

Well before I end up going straight to hell – what I would like is for god or a delegate to end their silence for one day – not to cure the deep problems but to do little reminders that we are all in this life together:

“Yes lord”
“I want you to do something.”
“Anything lord tell me.”
“You’re standing right in front of the stairway and with the back pack you have on you’re blocking everybody – could you move a bit to the right? Thank you.”
“Go to hell lord – I’m waiting for a train here.”

Which is, alas, what I think would happen. People are who willing to pay any price or bear any burden provided it’s some big thing (“Go build and ark and get a lot of animals”) would rather tear their own ears off with pliers and feed them to the rats than act like an passing stranger deserves the slightest ounce of courtesy.

But that’s where most of us live most of our lives. A succession of little moments, little interactions and contacts that make up our days – surrounded by others doing the same thing. I’m not going to go all moralistic here but it would be a better place if we could keep in mind we’re not the only ones here. That and get out of the fucking way when you’re blocking the stairs.

I think I shocked the Enemy Below last night – He arrived at my apartment and before we went to play at the Waltz I had he watch a total berserk scene from Sex & Fury a deranged Yakuza (Japanese gangster) film. The female lead is taking a bath and is then attacked by gangsters (she’s a gambler) she the proceeds to slice and dice them in the Japanese style blood spurting everywhere limbs hacked off – while she’s starkers. In the end she stands there naked, covered in blood sword in hand. It’s a weird damn image and not arousing in the least, maybe to the director but not to me or the Enemy Below – who was a little disturbed – more so when I showed him the sequel to this film which featured some 40-50 naked women with swords attacking Gangsters. The Enemy Below watched through his fingers.

The films make no sense really they just prove the Japanese are when you boil down to it, crazier than anyone else on the face of the planet. These films have no real plot to speak of, no realistic characters, but oceans of blood (where Kill Bill learned how) and oh yes – naked women with swords or just women with swords. Really they make Lady Snowblood seem restrained.

Waltz went well except that I cracked up during Some one Else – There’s a place where the Enemy Below chimes and you’d think by now I would heard it enough that it wouldn’t get to me, but I think last night we had the Fabulous Spencer playing keyboards with us and it was like listening to a new song – or hearing a song come into it’s own at last. Spencer’s piano playing was the exact perfect topping of Velveeta cheese that the song needed. It put the eyebrows on the song to quote Frank Zappa.

We got there early so we got to play in front of a fairly large number of people who had not heard us before – and actually – except for the little troll with the beard who sat stone faced while we sang. Guess he doesn’t like us. We weep to think of this. We schedule a daily weeping season near my home and we think on it.

A woman and her husband who we had been talking to before we sang said what we did was “Interesting” which tends to be what people say when they aren’t sure what else to say. “Fearless” was the husband’s other comment – I get this and well okay I don’t think I’m being that fearless – I’m not pulling people out of burning buildings or what not – I’m singing odd songs. What I do is what feels right when I’m doing it. Still I have to say – the one thing that really I like is now I have two people playing with me - it's fantastic beyond my dreams.

Seems now that congress was making noise about investigating them, W and the White House have announced that suddenly they will be using the FISA courts to get warrants for wiretapping - they are bullies and cowards and sneaks the lot of them – little pressure and they fold. Still I suspect there is a lot of record destroying going on over at the NSA right now. Yet they will insist they did nothing wrong.

It’s utterly amazing for 18 months they insisted that FISA courts were too clumsy and slow for their purposes but now it’s fine? And they expect people to fall for it. Of curse people will fall for it but only the ones that want to fall for it.

You know they were and are still listening in on their political opponents – it’s the only logical reason why they didn’t go to the FISA court in the first place. They are saying there is a compromise but the way W and his folk view compromise is the say way they view Bi-partisan – do what we say and then say how good we are is about all the want so I’ll wait until I see it.

Tomorrow – the movie I completely loathe the 1998 US Godzilla. I’ve read that Sony is thinking about making a sequel of it I can only say “don’t” – last time at least you had all the big G fan boys the first weekend – you won’t get them this time if you make anything anywhere nearly as stupid loud and awful as the 1998 Godzilla.

Peace, Love, naked women with swords

Another Dina Rigg Pic - no reason really.


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