Thursday, December 14, 2006

Gorillas and maddness

I’ll admit that sometimes I don’t quite do what I want to do or promise – I was going to watch Bella Lugosi meets a Brooklyn Gorilla last night but after 10 minutes I turned it off. I was too tired and it was too awful. It was intended to be a horror comedy – and it did succeed on some levels – its comedy was horrible and its horror was laughable – well I presume its horror is laughable I turned it off before Bella showed up.

The film features a low budget version of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis – while the jerry Lewis rip off (who was 17 when he did this so he’s a bit forgiven) does good job. Not, mind you a good job as in funny, he does a good job in being just as annoying as Jerry Lewis was in those Dean Martin Jerry Lewis pictures. I turned it off when the Dean Martin wanna be started singing. I was tempted to pound my head against the floor until I was unconscious but I worried that maybe if I do manage to put myself into a coma is this is what I’ll see all the time? Better not risk it.

One last comment on this the picture is set in a South Seas jungle island somewhere– and because of that the Dean Martin wanna be (his name is duke) is wearing a Hawaiian shirt – tied off so he’s showing off his midriff. No I’m not kidding. I wish I was. It is the gayest thing I have ever seen in a 1950’s film, maybe ever – not counting The Birdcage.

Anyway, I’ll get back to this tonight – I’m crashed out early and slept the sleep of those who have avoided damage by not watching the bad film and I’m all ready. God help me.

Meantime – we are in the process of booking another gig – this time at a place that charges a cover. So here is the challenge – we get 100 paying customers I’ll smash a guitar on stage. Probably during People with Insect Heads. More details as we confirm them.

Meantime in Washington they must have increased the amount of drugs in water supply.

1) The Washtington Post – one time home of Woodward and Bernstein and the newspaper conservatives love to hate (after the NY Times) published an editorial the other day praising the late dictator of Chile – Augusto Pinochet. The fact that the citizens of Chile poured into the streets in a spontaneous celebration upon hearing the news had no impact on the Post who claimed that Chile’s vibrant Democracy was party Pinochet’s doing. Well, maybe, if you figured their commitment to democracy is made deeper by the resolve to never ever let another murderous thug take over the county yes. Other wise no. It’s akin to suggesting Hitler is responsible for Germany forsaking the idea of dominating Europe by military means. In a way He is, but not in such a manner that he should be given credit for it.

A despot is a despot. That the Post is publishing this insane drivel shows how degraded and depraved the discourse has become inside the beltway. Sure he killed and tortured but he wasn’t a communist and he gave Milton Firedman a chance to prove his theories.

2) About the time the Iraq Study Group issued its report, there were stories floating around about 3 options in Iraq, Stay, and leave or go big. The first two are pretty self-explanatory but the Go Big idea was that we put more troops into Iraq and use them to crush the insurgency and then all the peach and happiness and freshly painted schools could bloom. The plan that had the least support among the general public was “go big”. So guess which plan is gaining moment in the halls of power. Yeah. Of course There is a lot of lose talk about 20,000- 50,000 more troops being put into Iraq to take on the insurgents and the Sadar militia which is ruling a part of Baghdad these days. I think the idea here is that we go in smash the Shiite Sadar Militia and then announce, again, like after Saddam’s son’s had been killed, Saddam Captured, the number two man killed (about 11 times) that the problem was solved and we can go home.

This is crazy. In the first place we don’t have 20,000 troops to toss into Iraq unless we strip Korea (and I hope we’re not nuts enough to do that) and this presupposes the Sadar Militia (at last count some 60,000) will present itself to be destroyed. Or that it can be destoryed – there’s a city in Iraq we’ve taken about 5 times now. And even if we do that – is that going to really solve things. God in heaven stop taking the drugs people. It’s making you stupid.

Not Washington but worthy of note – DHS staged a raid on a Swift meat packng plant. Those with dark skin were made to produce some kind of id proving they were citizens. Not the white people.

Great – just great.

End of rant – gig details to come.



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