Monday, December 11, 2006

Adventures in Uber-geekdom and Jealousy

Last Sunday I was at the Enemy Below and Insect Girl’s apartment – eating moosebugers and caribou – no I’m not kidding – somebody in their apartment building is a hunter and he ended up one trip with stacks of meat from a moose and a caribou – which he had then ground up into burgers. Personally I’m not to hip on hunting but I knew people in the Pocono’s in Pennsylvania who would kill a deer and use that as their meat supply during the winter cause it was cheaper than beef. That’s a lot better than the kind of canned hunts Dick Cheney goes on where cage raised birds are released into the wild the day they get shot. At least the Moose lived like a real Moose in the wild before a slug a lead the size of your thumb scrambled its brains. I mean I’d rather folks left them alone but I’m a city kid – what I know from nature I learned from TV. Which is suspect isn’t the whole story.

Anyway before dinner the Enemy Below and myself were playing a game he’s just gotten via gameflix: Stubb’s the zombie – which was hysterical – Stubbs is a zombie and he goes around eating brains – which makes us like him a lot – and the dialogue is just hysterical people shout things like: “he’s eating my brain!” And you, if you work it right, you can tear off someone’s limb and whack people with it. All great fun. Very funny in a very very sick way. You listening Hilary? Good. Now go intercourse yourself. It’s bad enough we have right wing lunatics worrying that if you eat too much tofu you will turn gay (there is some estrogen in tofu it seems and these yahoos are convinced that estrogen makes you teh gay cause it’s the ladies hormone and in a man gives you gay cooties or something. Side note – I was told that years and years ago some doctors thought that the reason gay men were, well, gay was that they didn’t have enough testosterone in their system. So they decided to inject them with said hormone to cure them of their gayness. Needless to say, it didn’t cure them of being gay, but it did make them very very horny. Doctor: so how are you this morning? Man: Give us a kiss. End side note) Anyway it’s bad enough we have to deal with this kind of gibberish, but Hilary decides it’s time to focus on video games. Well maybe better that than her craven support for the Iraqi war I guess.

So we as we were having dinner we were chuckling about that – The Enemy Below said Stubbs was good game because it tore them away from city of heroes for a while. All three of them play this massive multiplayer online game – MMO for short – you go on mission accumulate points and what not – it seems pretty absorbing. Full disclosure I have dial up which can’t handle this kind of game – it’s the only real reason I’m not in there with them.

Anyway Insect Girl and the Roommate (hereafter R cause I can’t think of cool nickname for him just yet) got in an argument about what had happened the night before while they were playing. It kind of went like this:

Insect Girl (IG): You let me die, 6 times.
R: I was tying to heal you. But you kept running away
IG: no you weren’t you resurrected him (meaning the Enemy Below’s game character) but you let me die. He was already dead.
R: right you were alive
IG: but he was dead – you could have healed me,
R: you ran away
IG: I was standing right next to him. Here he was, (she gestures to the ground) and here I was. And you let me die
R: No I didn’t you ran away
IG: I was right there. Besides you’re not a healer
R: I am
IG: you only have one heal power – you’re a (some other class that I forget what – it seems to be kind of blocking back in an update I’ll let you know.)

And so on. Later something else came out

IG: and then you used my body as a bomb.
R: it was a new power I wanted to try it out
IG: that’s why you let me die – six times.
R: well maybe.
IG: I’m 15,000 in debt now. (If you die in City of Heroes and your character is above a certain level you lose money when you die)
R: I didn’t let you die

And so on. It got quite heated – Insect Girl has a temper and R wouldn’t budge so Insect Girl tried to sic one of the cats on R – cats will claw people but only when they feel like it.

All the time I’m thinking this is the geekiest conversation I have ever heard in my entire life – topping the what do the colors of the start trek uniforms mean one we had a while ago. And lord knows what the NSA thought off all this.

All ended well enough – at least with no injuries.

I was going to write about shonen knife but no time for the present. Soon. I promise. Meantime – Bella Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla is on its way. Yes I said I wouldn’t watch it but I changed my mind.

If you look at the comments in yesterdays post (that’s in blogger) after I wrote some unkind things about Deal Ninmond’s song writing – i.e. talking to a chair in that song I was accused of being jealous of Neil. (For those of you on my space the exchange is below)

Anyway I’m not jealous of Neal Diamond. I know what jealousy feels like – it’s a very violent emotion that comes out as you see someone be successful at something that you want to be successful at or some who gets something you feel you should have. And there is an element of fear in Jealousy – the fear being there is no room for you. Which when you see a hot babe that you were trying to make a move on and been getting somewhere with making kiss face with someone else – well unless the other parties (and you) are open to that sort of thing – the odds are pretty good you and her won’t be doing the horizontal bop anytime soon. Hence, the Jealousy. And it makes some sense there.

Not me and Mr. Diamond. Yes we both sing and write songs – but I think the similarities end there. Neal could (and probably has) sell out the Hollywood bowl 11 times over and sell millions of records. More power to him – erase the sting of the Jazz Singer and the sound track to Johanthan Livingston Seagull a bit. But I wouldn’t be jealous, cause out of all those Neil fans you could number the ones who would be interested in our stuff on the finger of my thumb. I write songs about brain eating for god’s sake – people with insect heads – sexual frustration, dysfunction, mental illness, rotten times at work and that Bob Denver (Gilligan) is dead. Our people are not his people and vice versa. Though to be fair our fans scare us just a bit a times.

For tomorrow (I hope) the meaning of Shonen Knife.

Peace, love, Brains. Brains! Brains! Must have brains!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just gotta say the conversation between IG and R made me roll around in laughter!!!

6:29 AM  

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