Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Down and Feeling Strange

Strange and eerie vibes walking around the job today – people around me are in a mood – and being me, I a) can’t help being caught up in the damn thing and b) feel it’s my fault somehow.

And the rumors are flying around here like, well things that really fly fast. Place isn’t a rumor mill, it’s now a bloody rumor assembly line – with a new one every 5 minutes like Ford used to build cars. Current Rumor says tomorrow is the day the deal goes down.

In Washington the news Korea has (or has tried to) explode a bomb has been greeted with equal parts ‘ yeah whatever’ and hysteria. Which does seem weird since they are a charter member of the Axis of Evil so you’d think it’d be more of a story. And its funny in a grim way that the people couseling manic hysteria are the same ones saying some years ago that Clinton’s attacks on Osama Ben Ladden were an attempt to distract attention from Monica. Karma’s a funny thing.

In band news we haven’t heard from Otto’s about a November gig– except a note that they are revamping things a bit – and they’ll get back to us. In these kind of moods I suspect that they are going to be giving up on live music and putting in video games in the back room.

It’s one of those days you know.

It’s days like this I feel like Daffy Duck in Duck Amok – that no matter what I do or how hard I try, God or Bugs Bunny is going to a) frustrate me and b) make me look like an complete idiot at the same time. About the best thing I can do is go to ground and plot revenge in the form of really twisted material.

And/or play punk really really loud – stuff like the Lllingtons who did a wonderful Ramones Road to Ruin era sounding album called Death by Television which had a picture of Ray Milan from “The Man with the X-Ray Eyes.” they did one other album which wasn’t as good but this one is spot on. From the upbeat first song were the lyrics go “War of the Worlds we’re all gonna die” to “A Black hole in my mind” to the last song it’s all good – yeah it sounds a lot alike but it kicks. Three Chords no waiting.

And there is always the odd Mexican wrestling films – which are like having a hallucination done for you with out the drugs and risk of permanent brain damage – or maybe not anyway they are very very odd films done for a budget of $11 and change – featuring El Santo the man in the Silver Mask fighting off pretty lame Wolfmen Zombies and vampires.



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