Monday, July 17, 2006

Gig and aftermath

Had a good set Saturday at Otto’s – Many many many thanks to everybody who came especially Murray who has missed maybe one set I’ve ever done. That’s endurance let me tell you thanks heaps. I have to say that it’s a very wonderful but odd feeling to be singing something like Someone Else or Stacy and have the audience sing along.

We managed to sell some EP’s for the cause – the money goes into the Bob Muir and the Enemy Below Album fund – not into cheap gin and floozies as had been my initial desire – mature reflection brought that idea to an end. We need the LP for our long term plan to rule the world. And then t-shirts.

Late apologies to the band coming on behind us – yes we sprinted out to the bar after the set but – a) we needed to talk about the set –b) get drinks and c) schmooze with the people who came to see us. Which meant we would have been talking over your songs. Seemed the better part of valor there to split.

Feel a bit flat without a gig to do – but this week was going to make me feel flat anyway – I’m coming up on one of those birthdays-that-make-you-stop-and-reflect-on-your-life, which being where I am now completely sucks. I consider this kind of maudlin self pity to be nothing but self indulgent emotional wallowing but that’s where I am this week. My feeling right now is that nothing’s ever worked out, my relationships have been disasters and I’ve wasted years of my life waiting for things to change without me doing anything to change them.

This gloom is of course exacerbated by the useless killing going on in the middle east and the sure sense that the Monkey in the White house is going to some how make it worse.

Pictures from the gig as I get them.


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