Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Zero Women Bonds and a Tractor Driver

Saw Zero Woman – Red Handcuffs last night – strange bizarre and just damn odd violent Japanese film – featuring multiple rapes, beatings, bloody bloody deaths (the blood streaming out like it was shot out of a fire hose) and a man shot in the worst possible place. (yes right there – man is that the stuff of nightmares or what). Apparently the Zero Women series (this is the first I’ve seen feature stuff like this all the time).

I don’t know – while I like the Japanese Samurai films – The Lone Wolf and Cub films are from this era – there is a sort of low rent sleaziness to the more modern setting Japanese exploitation films like Zero Women that I can’t quite ignore – and really multiple rapes are not my cup of tea – gratuitous lesbian scenes yes by all means – rape not so much. The buckets (and I mean buckets – like lots) of blood that are spilled in these films (it’s a type of red paint by the way) are so fake and so excessive that at times they remind me of the Monty Python Sketch Sam Pekenpaw’s Salad Days were an Edwardian tea party becomes a bloody mess out of the Wild Bunch – in such utterly over the top fashion that once the shock wears off you’re laughing. But the rape stuff, well rape is real, women get raped all the time and hideously enough get a lot of grief over being raped as well – it’s one of the few crimes where people are going to hint that “maybe she was asking for it” – nobody asks mugging victims what the hell they were wearing – it’s assumed you have the right to move around without getting mugged but there is this sick idea in some circles that women if they should gasp – dress teh sexy – deserve assault. Which is just damn sick.

Seems like MLB rejected Barry Bonds new contract exactly why is not clear. One interesting provision if he is arrested for illegal steroid use the Giants can void the deal.

Barry is not going to a fun year – his body is breaking down, his trainers are not allowed in the clubhouse and his teammates hate him – especially since he tried to toss one of them under a bus when he tested positive for amphetimes – nice Barry. In some ways he is the perfect sports figure for this era, nothing is his fault, ever. Reminds you of the views of the President and vice president.

Speaking of Washington – Sen Obama just went way up in my book – he is introducing a bill in the Senate that is designed to bring the troops home by March 2008. The evil pigs in the senate combined with the wishy washy muffin heads won’t go for this but it’s the right thing to do – We’ve done all the damage we can and we need to get out. Bravo Sir.


Playing at the Waltz tonight – open mike – there are some new rules in effect so people won’t just noodle endlessly on stage or stage a mass walkout (although when the guy we don’t like plays I can understand).

Looks like we are the headliner and the only band playing at the 169 bar 2/4 – it’s super bowl Sunday – hell I expect most of the people there (if any) will be watching the game. I’m almost tempted to say something like “did they score a goal?” if I hear a noise from the bar.

W meantime during a photo op in a tractor started playfully driving it towards the assembled press who had to scramble to get out of the way – I mean yeah things are bad but even the Washington DC press corps might get upset if you run some of them over. The man has the Intellect of a turnip and the impulse control of a three year old on crack– and he has his finger on the button. Pleasant dreams

The Picture is of Ethelred the Unready. We have a song about him - well not really about him.

Peace love Tractors


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