Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pics and Cold as Hell

For your amusement some pics from rehersal

Cold as Hell

That is the official forecast for tomorrow – no I mean it – “and the national weather service says it’s going to be cold as hell”

Actually the forecast is for tonight to be about 24 degrees (-4C) and with the wind chill to feel like 10 (-12C) and for Friday night the forecast has the wind chill as worse the temp will be about 21 degrees (-6C) and with the wind chill it will feel like -7 (-14C).

This is cold – almost as cold as it was warm before – if that makes any sense. Now I’ve heard some people on the radio no less say since it was snowing like hell in Denver and well now this cold this can’t global warming.

Well actually it can – one of the side effects of global warming – in addition to all the ice cap melt off – is that weather patterns are going to be come more unpredictable and have huge swings as until they short themselves out. Historically for Denver Dec and Jan are the driest months so the storms that buried Denver in snow are not typical Denver winter weather.

Explosions in the green zone in Iraq. I guess you might consider this a reply to the State of the Union Address.

Meantime Dick Cheney is insisting that the real problem in Iraq is that we might somehow lose our nerve because of all the bad press. One he needs his meds rebalanced, two that’s like saying the real problem with the Titanic sinking were the spoilsports who pointed out the ship was taking on water. And this anger at the press seems a little ungrateful – after all just a short while ago they were comparing W with Prince Hal or Winston Churchill (remember those days – looking back it is to gag) and how smart Cheney was. That W is an small minded dullard who probably walks into doors because he forgot how to open them and that Cheney is so far gone into his paranoid power lust that not only has he lost touch with reality but not even e-mails from there get to him and that Iraq is a bloody appalling mess was always the truth – it’s just only recently have the press had the nerve to say so.

Strange feeling of foreboding today– a sense that something somewhere is not right. As if something rotten is lurching its way to my door – something that will affect me or mine badly.

It’s either that to too much starch.

Good time at the open mike – Sang Tired of being Insane – which is an almost serious song of ours – which oddly enough got laughs. During the our set it’s a change of pace song usually coming after something very loud and very odd so as quieter piece of music gets lost – this time it was able to shine. I’m not altogether happy with the song but The Enemy Below likes it and has told me I’m singing this as long as we have the band as an on going concern. And honestly – I’m not always the best judge of my own material so I’ll sing it.

Meantime at the mike – a young woman (Esther Ku) recited a bizarre monologue about smoking pot going from her first buy to smoking soo much pot that she forgot how to have sex . She did this while playing Mendelssohn on the piano – and the result was hysterical – but it is interesting – the monologue, while weird was not funny, the Mendelssohn was not funny, but link them together it was hysterical.

Spencer is fitting in quite nicely. He’s a great musician, quiet, modest, a genuinely nice person who must be wondering what deity he pissed off to be suddenly thrust into a den of madmen like us and to top it off burdened with the nickname the Fabulous Spencer.

Those are pics from out most Recent Rehersal.

Peace, Love, silly masks


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