Sunday, January 28, 2007

Korean Monsters & Dyslexia for cure!

Looking at the problem we had last week about the gig – it was my fault, I’ll say that right up – we had the choice of the 19th and the 27th (a Saturday) and somehow via my – it’s kinda Dyslexia but not quite – it became we had a gig on the 26th. So Otto’s had us booked on the 19th but I blissed along with it being on the 26th. Again my fault totally. The reason it happened was my head’s a bit off on these things – but I should by now know enough to double check things – this time I didn’t and bang.

I don’t really know how or why – nobody does really – but sometimes my synapses just misfire – honestly I can almost feel them sputter from time to time. The principal effects I note are I tend to reverse letters in the middle of words (i.e. I will spell time as time – like a lot) and I will miss words in the middle of sentences. Also sometimes when I’m reading I won’t catch the right word and my brain will just put one in that kind of looks like it. (I also don’t pronounce words correctly if I’ve never heard them either – letters are just letters to me i.e. I can’t sound anything out) I remember one time near Easter I was walking to work and there was a church with big sign announcing its daily service. It brought up short cause when I looked it said

“Annoy the poor service 3 pm”

I was taken aback – it was an Anglican church but I didn’t think they would go in for this sort of thing – and what would an annoy the poor service look like and what poor person would go.

So knowing my head I looked again.

“Anoint the poor service 3 pm”

Which made a hell of a lot more sense.

Anyway we are on the web site at 169 bar as playing on the 4th at 10 pm so come on down, it looks like a bad game anyway.

File under “Oh shut up”

Turns out Toby Keith is now saying he was against the Iraqi war. Well if he was he kept it very very quiet during the build up and the opening days of the war – when he was having his feud with the Dixie chicks – apparently he would flash a picture of a cd featuring one of the chicks and Saddam together. But he wasn’t a supporter of the Iraqi war – cause he never said “I support the Iraqi war” – that kind of makes him a bit of weasel as well as being full of it.

Watching Korean Giant Monster movies this weekend – Korea when it started making cars used the Japanese model and when they started making monster movies did the same thing – Yongary – made in 1967 and looks a lot like the less expensive films made at the time in Japan – more like the Gammera films than Godzilla. It features just odd disjointed things – including an astronaut going into space on his honeymoon or something -- leading up to the appearance of the monster – who wanders around breaking stuff and then drinking oil and eating fire (al la Gammera). Why he showed up is never quite addressed or even asked – which actually may be more accurate – you have a 50 meter tall beast smashing up your home town the time for asking where did it come from is a bit later.

There is the standard annoying kid who has knows more than the adults – again I can never understand why they seemed to think this will help with the kids – even as a kid I couldn’t stand these kids and we were supposed to identify with them.

Anyway the kid in some measure bonds with the monster – watching kind of dancing late a night – it’s not the stupidest thing I’ve seen a man in monster suit do – there is that Godzilla’s victory dance in Monster Zero, his flying in Smog Monster and one film where Gammera worked what look like parallel bar – but it’s pretty damn close.

The other thing is that kid observes that Yongary after he smashes a tank near the oil refinery starts to react badly and to scratch himself – it’s some kind of ammonia concentrate that the scientist realizes will kill the monster. Listen all I have to say if you are going to kill the monster by having him scratch himself to death – you’ve got one lame ass monster there.

I’d write about Lieberman’s latest attempt to say critics of W emboldens the terrorists but shit – it’s Sunday I’m in a decent mood and I don’t feel like spoiling it. So I’ll do that Monday. I’ll be cranky anyway so I’ll do better.

Later me droogies – okay here’s a challenge – what is that a reference to? Come on you can do it.

Peace Love Monster Suits

Blogger hates pics again - later for the pic.



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