Saturday, February 08, 2014

Return of the Ghost of the Son of the 31 Days of Cheese - Day 5 - Wild Wild Planet.

The Sixties , the land of groovy and day glow colors – and nobody did day glow a groovy colors and really really cheesy special effects like the Italians. 

Part of four films filmed at the same time to save money.  This is a story set in what was been called ‘our old future’ a future when it’s a lot nicer than it is now. Most films set in the future these days are bleak as hell – this future has fantastic cites with space ships and colonized planets and hover cars and space stations with gravity and night clubs in them. All in all it’s a nicer place than the future we are living in at this moment. Yeah we have I-pads but not a single lounge in any of our space stations. 

In the future the world is mostly under the sway of the Untied Democracies which despite the name have a huge number of uniformed folks wandering about in it – one of them is our hero Commander Mike Halstead (Tony Russel) commander of space station Gama Seven – we open with a  someone oily and sinister member of the Corporation (is there more than one? We are never told) Numi who is transporting organs to the corporations planet Delphus. The Commander doesn’t like what Numis’ doing and he really doesn’t like that Numi's starts making moves on his girl – Connie Gomez (Lisa Gastoni) who is not happy that the Commander is pretty much all business all the time (no us time or something). Anyway she gets invited to the corporations’ planet – and being angry agrees. However Nurmi really isn’t interested in her – at least not in the way she thinks he is.

Meantime the commander is called down to earth – folks are disparaging all over the world. After a while we see why – high fashion women joined by a creepy looking guy in 

sunglasses and black trench coat are walking up to folks – the man unwraps his trench coat and they vanish leaving their clothes to be picked up by the model type. 

Turns out they are shrinking people to  doll size – Barbie doll size to be exact. One time the snatch goes wrong the victim is left dwarf sized . Then they are transporting them to Delpus and Numi is using them to make perfect people – (the creepy guys in the black trench coats have an extra pair of arms and I think  are clones of each other) and to top it off Numi wants to merge himself with Connie – no not like that – he wants to create one super being of him and Connie.

Of course he doesn’t  do it and the world is saved – with a lot of toing and frowing in the groovy world of 2015 – where there are no movies the only entertainment  it seems are folks dressed as butterflies dancing on a platform. 

Really the plot doesn’t make a lick of sense it’s the retro future look of the place from the model sets to the space ships to the future cars and the outfits the women wear that make this film the Italian cheese fest it is.

Enjoy with Antipasto.



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