Monday, February 03, 2014


Sorry I was a bit late getting this off and running this year – things happen – I hope to sort of make up time as I go along .  
Once again Turner Classic Movies is running their 31 days of Oscar – as a lead up to the industry’s annual tongue bath on Oscar night – where they show only films that were nominated in some
category (even the more obscure ones like best sound or costume design and editing) still to leaven the mass of this annual self worship of the movies I present
THE  Return of the ghost of the son of the 31 days of cheese.
Day One – Karate Robo Zabogar
This is a 2011 Japanese film which is a remake of one of the many Japanese ur-Power Rangers TV shows done in the 70’s –  The new version – done by a company called Sushi Typhoon take advantage of more modern special effects to update the visuals without losing the essential cheesiness of the effects.  And I think much much stronger drugs.  – (as a side note I don’t really like the idea that folks what make these sort of wild films are in some sort of drug frenzy –  it’s takes a sober judgment to decided that the red lips of the DNA eating robot aren’t quite red enough.) 
The story follows the adventures of Yutaka Daimon who is a member of the special police locked into a battle of the sinister sigma an organization of cybogs who are run by the evil Dr.  Akunomiya  who among other abilities can shoot ninja stars from his knees – He runs the sinister origination Sigma that is attempting to gather the DNA of famous and important people in  disgusting ways to make a huge monster robot to destroy humanity. Among his allies are Miss Cybog who we first see as a  head emerging from an urn.
Damion’s ally is the Karate Robo Zabogar – a robot made by his father out of the DNA (leitmotif here) of Damion’s brother who died – Damion controls the robot who can turn into a motorcycle with a helmet rigged with a microphone – he’ll a command into the mike and Zabogar does it – at no time do we see him say “Zabogar get me a beer.” 
As the film goes on Damion and Miss Cyborg become involved – Sex with a  cyborg is not for the timid – tentacles come out her breasts for example – and at the half way point of film Damion is torn between Zabogar and his duty and Miss Cyborg. And then the film jumps again 20 years there is more complications with  a daughter of Damion and Miss Cyborg -  he has to reunite with Zabogar and finally defeat Sigma –
This is a odd odd odd film. It’s obviously a labor of love – twisted sick and perverted love but a love nonetheless.



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