Friday, September 15, 2006


Fridays, to paraphrase Arthur Dent, I can never get the hang of Fridays. I see those signs, usually featuring a kitten hanging off of something that say “Hang on baby Friday is coming.”

I never got this. In my experience Friday is the day that most of the top people in a company realize they haven’t done anything this week and panic. And so we have an emergency every Friday afternoon around 2:30 – something has to get done. Now!

Never fails.

So as I wait for the shoe to fall – I’m trying to figure out the over all story for my Killer Sheep play – I have some people in a bar surrounded by killer sheep. The only thing I have to do now is explain how they got there, how they relate to each other and what happens. That it’s so far a one act one scene play limits it a bit.

Hey I like a challenge. And this is the kind of thing I like, set up an absurd situation or take an absurd title and figure out how to get to there in a way that isn’t completely arbitrary. It has to make sense that these people are in this bar, it has to make sense that they are surrounded by killer sheep, bipedal killer sheep to be exact, and their actions in the bar have to make sense. This will call for some heavy lifting but I think I am the man for it.

Meantime I’m kicking around, like I have been for years a song about someone who has multiple personalities. It started as joke – I was at one open mike where the limit was two songs ( pretty standard) well two people got up and said since they were two people they would both do two songs. It seemed stretching the rules a bit so I wanted to go up and claim that I had at least sixteen different personalities of which seven had written songs. I have yet to finish it but it’s moving. My silly ideas are not something I can push. Lord knows I’ve tried.

Today’s title comes form a fax I saw advertising a class for executives it claims to show them how to connect with their inner creative selves. Good Luck. Most executive types I’ve known long ago took their creative sides out into the woods, forced it to dig its own grave and then behead it with a shovel. You have to do this to get an MBA in the top schools I’m told.

There is a comic book convention in town this weekend – I’m going to try and see what’s up on Sunday (admission is $5 after 2 pm and I’m kind of broke these days). Haven’t been to one in some time. Should be weird fun.

By the by the picture is of Diana Rigg. I'll bore you with my obession with her some other time. Till then - You have your muse, I'll have mine thank you.


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