Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Okay – short post after the long long long bitter mean and nasty rant yesterday.
We have a new time and date for the Gig at Otto’s Full details as follows:
Bob Muir and the Enemy Below
Friday, September 29, 2006 -Midnight
@Otto’s Shrunken Head
538 E 14th Street
Between Avenues A&B.

Be there or be square.

We have some lovely new stuff for everyone – including a complete version of “The Bondage Song” with like verses and everything and mayhap a snarky song about folk singers if I can get it up to speed and it fits in the set.

I have discovered it’s hard to do a song about gun wielding Pandas and robots disguised as Bigfoot stealing my stuff., but never fear – it took me 8 months to come up with the words for “People with Insect Heads” after I got the title so I’ll keep on it.

When I get a moment (or maybe just manage to wake up on time) my next long term project (other than losing weight) will be a one act play about a group of people trapped in a bar (al la Shawn of the Dead) by a horde of Giant Mutant Bipedal Killer Sheep – or GMBK’S for short who have attacked the town.

It’s a sequel to my Screen Play Bikini Zombies which hasn’t been made into a movie yet. I like that – it amuses me in a very strange way doing a sequel of something nobody’s seen (not that anybody’s going to see this either but let us let that go).

I don’t have a lot just yet – only the general situation and back-story – which people seeing the play won’t see (something else that amuses me)

So far the only bit I have is a part where the bartender shows a patron why they aren’t watching the TV in this crisis.

Patron: Why don’t you have the TV on? Maybe we could find out what’s happening.

Bar: Want to know why I don’t have the TV, here. (Points remote at screen – Audience can not see the screen but they hear the following:

Female Newscaster voice: Tom how did it feel watching your wife being eaten by a sheep?
(Bartender changes channels)
Male Newscaster: And the word we have from the Never land Ranch is that Michael Jackson is safe, sadly his pet chimp
(Bartender Changes channels)
Female voice: Of course this is Clinton’s fault, he…
(Bartender shuts the TV off)

Patron: Yes I see now. Juke box still work?

More silliness as it comes to mind.


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