Monday, June 26, 2006

We have fans?

This is weird for me – and for the enemy below as well – we aren’t used to fans, I spent about 10 years singing things to mostly blank stares. I even remember playing an open mike night at the Café A anti folk fest and getting pretty much of a “huh”? reaction from the assembled hipsters. Not sure why – it could be just – as one ex suggested – that folk was just the wrong milieu. Folk, even antifolk – it’s a serious business and there seemed to be no place for my stuff there. One of the places I went to for years was the Fast folk Café and never really felt like folks got it there. Which is why, to round back to my opening point, fans puzzle me.

It’s just so odd to me, to hear someone talk about how great our stuff is. It could be of course my complete lack of anything even remotely like a healthy sense of self esteem talking here but I do find it puzzling. Still it’s great that I have found folks that no matter how beyond the bounds of what people normally do, they will be there for it, are interested in what we’re saying. So even if I seem a little off put by your complements, please don’t feel hurt – We really appreciate this . A lot.

What we do, basically is cock a snook at the formulas. Or most recent song (I’m Sorry) uses lovely cords, the enemy below’s singing voice and poetic lyrics to set a mood, then use the grotesque chorus and bridge to, basically, kick the chair out from under the very mood we’ve set up. It’s funny as hell but there is a nervous edge to the laughter.

Which is what we want.

Notes on other stuff:

US soccer team: Over hyped and over matched. Yes the call against you on Ghana was bad but lord god you had 45 minutes to try and turn it around. Let me put it another way, Manchester United (who I am not that fond of) would have gotten their pull from a call like that not gone into a shell. That’s what good teams do, not fall asleep until the 60th minute of the game.

Various talking head pundits tried to get a handle on what this will do for US Soccer, and not one of them was able to say the blunt truth – nothing good – without the World Cup Nike’s money will dry up. Media interest here will slacken and within two years you’ll be hard pressed to remember if there ever was a US Soccer team.

And it isn’t going to help the MLS either - which doesn’t play very exciting brand of the soccer – since it was mentioned a lot that most of the US players played for the MLS, which in the eyes of the outside world ranks alongside, or below the Scottish Premier league.

Why are they doing a Broadway musical on the Disney movie Tarzan? What next a movie about a magic remote control (oh sorry).


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