Friday, May 26, 2006

The sun having no choice

shone down on the nothing new. - First line in Samuel Beckett's Murphy

Well I don't have much to say really other than wondering just why we have a democratic party in the first place. 25 Senators voted to confirm Hayden as head of the CIA despite their own sqwakings about Haydens role in the NSA's continued prying to the life of each and every american on the planet on the off chance they will find something useful. Worthless toads to the last. Sure he was going to win the GOP has a robot majority in the Senate but hell did you have to agree with them. What's the point of an opposition party that doesn't oppose anything?

Some one wrote to the effect that the measure of a political figure is the issues (or issues) he's willing to lose an election over - frankly I'm not sure if any of these clowns have one. If they do it sure as hell ain't the idea of Consitutional goverment.


Political rant off - off for the weekend but band will be going forward. Found a cello (sp?) player at the coffee shop open mike night. we've been kicking around adding strings to Someone Else but the violin's tone was right. But when we heard the cello I looked over at the enemy below and said "that's the sound" and he said "yes"

which is why I love this band - I didn't have to explain a damn thing he knew exactly what I was talking about the instant I said it.

So when we finally get our butts into the studio - we'll have quite the cast - Me, the enemy Below, Carrie, the Cello player and maybe two more people for a chorus effect on the song.

Also we're gonna try out for a CUNY tv show "art or something like it" - if nothing else nice publicity we can put on the fact sheet.


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