Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just to keep one’s hand in and news of sorts.

Sorry it’s been a while since anything has shown up here. Things have been happening and keeping up the blog has seemed to recede into the distance. But I’m not happy with that so this is a bit of a hey I’m back a bit and what is going on.

One – The Band is for the foreseeable future and lacking me winning mega millions, kaput. We did out last show in March and it was good.

The reason is that the Enemy Below and Insect Girl have moved to Florida to be nearer their families and just get out of New York. I can see their point as much as I do miss them. New York can rather grind one down. I still rather of Samuel Johnson’s feeling that when one is tired of London one is tired of life, with New York substituting for London.
On the weather front, I came through Sandy almost embarrassingly easy, never lost power or heat, no water damage in stark contrast to the massive damage the Jersey Coast and the Rockaways and Long beach and such suffered. The subways are still not quite back to normal service and the area around Battery Park still has power problems. The coast still looks like a great hand has smashed the coastline. Rockaway Beach in New York where I spent a lot of time in the summer growing up (an Uncle had a house there) is very bad off – it’s shocking how immense this was. And things will not be what they were even after the last broken bit of the boardwalk is replaced. It can’t. Still feel shock if I think about it too much.

Have discovered biking so much of this space will be laden with boring stories about biking – still it’s a nice way to get the hell out of the house and get yourself moving. Longest trip was about 40 miles and I’m looking to do 100 sometime next year.

One thing I especially like about biking are the hideously ugly jerseys that they make for the sport – I have one for Coney Island Lager that hurts to look at. I love it to death.

Been going out on open mikes at the Waltz sort of back to the womb as it where. I do kid the waltz from time to time but it’s a very supportive place for people’s acts and they put up with me which I give them a lot of props for.

Putting together a list of bad films for the The Return of the Son of the 31 Days of Cheese (not quite sure on the exact name yet – I suspect the first one will be X from Outer Space a rather odd Japanese monster movie (more than most) about what looks like a giant mutated chicken destroying generic Tokyo while an old little love triangle plays out between the square jawed (and square in a lot of other ways) space captain, his blonde assistant and a Japanese woman who pines a lot. There is comic relief that hurts and other madness. It’s a perfect starter for this.

Peace Love Shonen knife


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