Thursday, August 19, 2010

Warning A Fucking Rant.

I had not meant to write about the whole ground zero bullshit but…

What galls me more than anything is that with all the problems this country faces, the return of rising unemployment, the sluggish economy, the whole mess in the middle east and the just general malaise that Carter talked about i.e. the sense that this place for all its former promise is now well and truly fucked, never mind the world scale disaster in Pakistan and of course climate change, that the most important fucking thing we have to talk about is where Muslims will be playing ping pong in lower Manhattan.

Listen this is the fucking reason the fucking first amendment was put into the fucking constitution in the first place – religion is about revealed truth – Christianity’s revealed truth is not Islam’s revealed truth, nor is it Judaism’s or Buddhism’s revealed truth, and you add politics and the power of the state to that mix you get auto de Faes, crusades, Jihads, and pogroms. It’s a toxic stew and the founders knew that damn well and were wise to keep out of it.

The main argument is that it’s insensitive of “them” to build were ‘they’ want to build, Okay never mind that ‘them’ are FUCKING AMERICANS , just grow a fucking pair America. Nowhere in the Bill of Rights is there a right to not to be made to feel bad. (Again never fucking mind that the folks from 9-11 have as much in common with the folks who want to build the community center as the Branch Dividians have with the Quakers). It’s their land, it’s their money, they want to build it go ahead. Shit we need the construction business in NYC anyway.

Honestly, the whole, it’s going to make some folks feel bad argument is the same bullshit they said in the civil rights era, “well yes the Negro does have the right to sit at a lunch counter but to do so would upset the other patrons so it’s best that he not do it now. Someday maybe.”

It’s such bullshit that my head throbs when I think about it. This is one of the reasons I haven’t written much – too much of what I see just makes me want to start spitting curses and breaking things. It’s not good for my blood pressure or my personality.

But the most depressing aspect has been watching almost every Democratic Party member from the President on down fucking punt the ball on this – the only person who said the right thing without waffling was – choke gasp – Mayor Bloomberg. What is said in essence was either we stand fast for our principles one of which is freedom of religion or we’re nothing.

In the end freedom of speech and freedom of religion is not about freedom of stuff you agree with, it’s the right of people to say and worships things you can’t stand without worrying about the state fucking with them that marks us (or did). Now we’re just bedwetting twits.

The most recent bullshit statement comes from Howard Dean who said something to the effect that since the idea was to foist dialogue with the controversy that dialogue can’t be foisted (is that word?) so they should reconsider.

Howard. In little words the problem with your point is the no chance of dialogue with these apes. Opposition to the building is a toxic stew of xenophobia, pure bigotry, foisted (I keep using that word I hope it means what I think it means) ignorance, and cynical power grab. There is nothing to talk about here.

This is not an issue...This is just madness.

Love Peace Shonen Knife.