Monday, May 17, 2010

Just random gibberish

It’s been a while – sorry I’ve been just way too busy to even smash down words in a row even a little bit.
Still I have noted some things.

Like things are going totally off the rails.

I don’t know who said it but one of the best comments I’ve heard lately is that ‘will all the people who were chanting drill baby drill’ at the McCain/Palin rallies please report to Louisiana to assist in the clean up.

Meantime someone tried to blow up Times Square – didn’t do a very good job of it and now seems to be in police custody. And as usual since 9-11 the people who are the safest from danger are pissing in their pants with fright. McCain – who I think now has lost even the few brain cells he had before – is worried that the cops when arresting the SUSPECT – and in this day in age you need to be reminded that he’s a suspects – told said suspect his Miranda rights including the right to remain silent.

The fuck?

He’s an American citizen being arrested for a crime committed on American soil – what the hell else are the cops going to do?

The whole thing about rights and free speech and the like is not that it should only extend to people who agree with you – Christ that was the Soviet Union and several banana republics - but that they apply to everybody – the crazy right wind guy who screams about the Rothschild’s is entitled to say that and there is nothing protecting him from being called a bigoted ass in return (something the right has problems with – like most bullies they have a soft chewy center and start weeping in public if you say mean things about THEM) and this bastard who tried to kill all sorts of people he didn’t know also deserves the right to an attorney, the right to a speedy trial and the right to be tried at said trial by a Jury of his peers.

You get no points for sticking to your principles when times are good.

Meantime the gulf fills up with oil – I suggest you get a LOT of frozen shrimp because prices are about to skyrocket – along with a lot of other fish.

Drilling in the gulf was a stupid idea – especially since the industry had –thanks to Cheney’s input managed to avoid putting in any of the fail safe mechanism out there – because they cost money and money as you know if the most important goddamn thing in the fucking world – so you should never spend it on things that prevent accidents since other people are just being foolish and nothing bad will happen and oops….

It would be a crowning god damn irony if they manage to finally fix up Bob Doyle’s house just in time for his beach front to be covered by oil.

Meantime I hear that the geek from f Louisiana whose name escapes me because I don’t have time to keep up with all the clowns in the clown car has asked for federal aid in cleaning up the oil that is all over the fucking gulf right now.

This is the same clown they hauled out to denounce Obama’s first state of the union address and the idea of health care reform.

It would be comical if it didn’t keep happening time after time after time.

It’s like a tragic episode of the honeymooners

“Ralph are you sure is this a good idea?”
“Norton shut up I know what I’m doing.”
“Gee Ralph it says here that this level of current can be fatal”
“Will you just shut up and get the wire for me?”
“You sure.”
Norton connects the wires and there is an explosion. When the smoke clears you see Ralph standing clothes in tatters. One of his arms has been blown off. He’s using it to hit Norton with.
“Damn it Norton this is your fault”

The right people scoffed at the hippies and the tree huggers and their concern about atomic power plants until Chernobyl.

The killer thing is that we already had one god damn awful oil spill from off shore oil back in 1969 the beaches of Santa Barbara California were covered with oil. We knew it was dangerous and we fucking did it anyway – and we did it without insisting on the most stringent safeguards we could get.

Because they cost money.

I’m sorry I’d much rather write about bad movies and where our comedy playing is going and possibly exciting news for the whole band but god damn everywhere I look it’s appalling.

And it’s the same appalling thing over and over again. Not only does nobody learn from the past there is an entire industry dedicated to allowing people to pretend what happened didn’t so they can act the way they want to.

You don’t let 3 year olds act this way.

And the problem is of course is that what they need – money lots of it – can at times get in the way of making decisions.

Anyway on the comedy front things are going well – we’ve done a few showcases and have gotten some very good response not only from people but from folks what book people –there is talk of us performing out of town. Which would be much coolness.

And it looks like we might be able to swing the comedy thing to get the band thing working more. Been handing out cd’s like they were very expensive business cards. ‘

Most recent bad movie seen – Three Supermen vs. The Amazons. Somehow an Italian film company got Shaw brothers to pitch in money to this acid trip without the flashbacks. The three supermen are one big black guy who’s very strong; and Asian martial arts expect and this guy in a mask. He’s supposed to be over 400 years old but actually different people have been wearing the costume all that time. It’s like the dread pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride or the cartoon strip The Phantom.

That I knew that without even thinking about it makes me depressed somehow.

So these three fight the Amazons women in skimpy clothing who enslave men – or shoot them with arrows. Despite the obvious possibility for this to be an utterly fabulous guilty pleasure it doesn’t quite do the job.

The problem with the film, other than that the masked guy who is the main character of the supermen is an complete dick – he enlists the other two to help him fight the Amazons by promising them his secret to living to be over 400 years – which he isn’t of course – so in the end he just bugs out. And he gets the girl in the end. To get back to my point, the problem with the film is that’s its very aware that it’s a campy good time romp. And that’s what’s wrong here.

Personally I find that camp works when it plays it straight no mugging no winking at the camera nothing. If it’s done right we can see the giddy absurdity and silliness we don’t have to have it pointed out to us thanks. It’s like a comedy the more insistent the actors are that what they are saying is hysterical the less likely it is – the Marx Brothers excepted – and even they didn’t always come through the late comedies can be painful to watch.

So there is a lot of toing and frowing and bouncing and fights with boing boing sounds – again don’t do that. It just spoils the silliness. Still I must say if I am watching women in revealing costumes isn’t the worst way for me to spend my time.

As comics we seem to be more popular than as a band. We have a show Sat the 22nd – more details as I get them.

Saw Iron Man 2 – not quite the film the first one was – really too many plotlines flying about to keep track of but Mr. Downey continues shine as Tony Stark. It’s funny he was never portrayed like this in the comic books but now, I can’t think of him any other way. He’s kind of like a Bruce Wayne who really is a playboy and not just doing that to keep a secret.

I understand there is a live action sort of Smurf movie being made. What the hell next a reboot of He-Man?

Anyway this was written over the course of a few days so forgive the jangled quality here.

Peace Love, in the name of god not the smurfs!