Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thanks, Duh, and that's the way it is

Well it’s been a long while and I feel like I should write a bit – what’s been happening is that work has been a dog and when I get home about all I have energy for is pop a bad movie on, eat something and then futz about with World of Warcraft for a bit before bed.
Not the most exciting of lives no…I freely admit. But that seems to be changing.
Anyhow I do what to thank everybody who came to the Otto’s show last week – as we celebrated Bastille Day by playing a Phil Colins song – you had to be there it just seemed to work out fine.
We like playing there – Otto’s gave us our first chance to play out and that counts for a lot with me for sure. We probably should do that every now and then just to keep our hands in and since it’s free – our fans can see us without shelling out bucks – which in this economy is a good thing.
And we got a couple of new fans as well – hello to you guys – which again folks won’t shell out dollars for something they know nothing about. At least not these days.
Meantime file these under “Duh”
We learned the CIA lied to congress
Dick Cheney was in charge
White Male GOP Senators are afraid of anyone who is not a white male.
Everybody in Washington is for sale and for some the price has been discounted.
The louder a congressman talks about his faith and devotion to family the more likely he’s having some sort of affair.
There will never be an end to the Michael Jackson coverage.
Anyway meantime we’re going to be playing at the Astoria Music Now! Outdoor festival on the 25th – we’ve never played outside before and it’s given us a bit of a challenge – a lot of our material is pretty much nc-17 but there is enough we think to give folks a good taste of our stuff without cursing or making reference to extremely unnatural acts.
And it’s free as well so come on – we’ll be on about 1 pm at the Hell Gate Stage - if this changes I’ll let you know. And get a taste of what folks are doing in Astoria these days.
I also see that Walter Cronkite has passed away – last of the real reporters who became anchormen – he will be no doubt made into a villain by the right wing for his comments during the Tet Offensive in 1968 – I forget the quote but it was along the lines of “exactly what are we doing here?” It was a moment of exasperation with the daily lies and falsehoods that flew about Viet Nam and the war like flies around a dead thing.
Lastly there was study released recently that found that only about 1/3rd of Americans believed in the theory of evolution - which was pretty shocking considering about 2/3rd’s of Americans in other surveys believe in UFO’s. More on this later.
Peace Love and that’s the way it is.