Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thank you!!!! and Fiddlity Bits

First – thanks to everybody who came and thanks to everybody who told us how much they liked the set – I’m not really that good at taking complements – my deeply ingrained low self esteem keeps me from that. I suppose that if we ever end up hitting the big time it’ll keep me from getting a swelled head but in the meantime – it’s kind of a pain in the ass.

Anyway the set was the longest that we ever did – and on top of that we got an encore request – our first one so again thank you people at Quay’s.

As usual with the sets that go well – a) it seemed to just blaze right by and b) nobody could hear anybody else – the audience didn’t have that problem which really is way it should be – hell the Beatles didn’t play with any monitor speakers – at least not in the cavern.

So far we’ve had some very good results at Irish Bars – who knows why maybe they can grock what’s going on better than some other crowds or maybe they are just drunk on beer and would cheer anyway as long as the girls were pretty.

Which they were – frankly without the girls this band is well some dumpy guys and who wants to see that. At least 5 guys fell in love that night – which is about right for Valentines Day – doomed to heart break all but that’s about right for Valentine’s Day too.

So thanks to the Quays and their wonderful folks – including the guy who told me “Don’t ever Stop man don’t ever stop” we won’t not while a sick breath is in this body.

And to the guy who kept saying “God Bless you God Bless you” to me – thanks. I’m not sure you really heard what we played but thanks.

So again thanks to the Astoria Arts and Music folks for inviting us. Hope it helped.

Meantime – I realize it’s been so long since we’ve had someone in the white house who knew what the hell he was doing – I’m not used to it. Neither are the GOP who at least in the house could all have their brains scooped out of their heads and replaced with squawk boxes that would say “no” or “Tax Cuts” at random intervals – the brains could then be donated to help accident victims.

There is such a disconnect here between inside the beltway and the rest of the world – the village (the inside the beltway folks) think the GOP is just doing a dandy job right now – the rest of the world is torn between calling them evil bastards or stupid assholes.

Also their defense of Bankers bonuses is well flat out stupid -they are sounding like a over paid free agent complaining that he didn’t get any performance bonuses because he only hit .237 with 12 home runs and 54 runs batted in while playing a whole season and earning $11 million but still he feels he deserves the bonus because he tried so hard or some such. It’s not a winning argument.

The Last few moments of Shea are upon us – it’s a sad feeling to look at that picture. More on that when it’s completely gone.

Meantime we’re anxious to play and we’re even working on a new song.

Peace Love Thanks again. .

Blogger isn't fond of pics today - mabye later.

Monday, February 09, 2009

flier post

cool flier no? Had to post it cause well it's just nice to see.
and come to the show okay - it's good cause really one of the local bands got their guitar stolen while at a gig - this is trying to raise some bucks to get new ones.
like I say not bad
Peace Love new Guitars

Short Lux Post

I was going to post this earlier – and with more but- well my computer is now buggier than a bee hive infected with fleas and bed bugs soooooo – we’ll take what we can get.

News comes over the transom that Lux Interior – lead singer of the cramps has passed away from what is called a pre-existing heart condition.


Time is eating my heroes.

It’s pretty safe to say that without the cramps as a basic template the look and the tone of the band would have been vastly different. The Cramps rockabilly, twisted sex and trash culture – late night horror movies, b-movies, sleazy exploitation films , comic books, pulp novels, all tossed into a mix master and blended but good – that was good enough but their was an intelligence behind the embrace of garbage – there is a quote from Andre Breton in the liner Big Beat From Badsville – and they were never ironic about it the honestly loved this junk and wanted to share .

Kurt Loder said this about them on the liner notes for Bad Music for Bad People: “This is rock & roll the way it never really was on the radio, but the way you always dreamed it could be — drooling horrorama lyrics, great cheesoid guitar riffs, postlobotomy drum-bashing and a singer for whom inhibition is the dirtiest ten-letter word of all. Slurp it up, sleaze fans.”


On stage Lux was pretty much willing to do anything – and again that has had an effect on the band – some of the stuff I’ve done when we do the bondage song were inspired in some ways by Lux – but seriously what I did, he’d do on a slow day when he wasn’t really feeling up to it. This was, never really.

Some fave Songs just 10 –

Garbage Man
TV Set
Dames Booze Chains and Boots
Psychotic Reaction – cover of an old Count five song
Fissure of Rolando – You must do what the thing says –
All Women are Bad
Goo Goo Muck
Bop Pills
Surfing Bird – different but no less classic than the Ramones cover.

He will be missed – for many many Psychotic reasons.

Peace Love Stay Sick